Dear Colleagues!

Congratulations on Kazakhstan science day!

This day is special for each of us. He reminds us of the importance of scientific inquiry, the power of knowledge and the unlimited possibilities it provides.

The development of Kazakhstani science is in the center of attention of the state. A multiple increase in budget funds for scientific research, holding competitions for grant funding of scientific projects on an annual basis, normalizing the requirements for NSC members, and launching a new housing program for young scientists indicate the value of scientific activity in Kazakh society. Currently, a discussion is underway on the Draft Law «On Science and Technology Policy, » which provides for issues of improving the structure of the science management system, financing science, developing scientific infrastructure, giving a separate status to a scientist, and expanding the package of social support for scientists, including young scientists. All these measures of state support for science should undoubtedly give a new impetus to its development.

Scientists and researchers of the Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University make a significant contribution to the development of the country’s economy.

Currently, the University’s scientific staff includes 30 doctors of science, 159 candidates of science, 78 doctors of science, 238 masters of science. Over the past three years, 57 of our young scientists have successfully defended themselves and received a PhD degree. Today, 572 master’s students are studying at the university in scientific and pedagogical master’s programs, and 115 are studying in doctoral programs.

The university has created a successful research environment represented by 4 Scientific research institutes, 12 scientific and technical centers and 2 scientific research laboratories.

University scientists conduct serious fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of engineering and implement scientific projects in priority areas of grant and program-targeted funding.

Volume of RDW funding and number of highly rated publications since 2016

by 2023 increased by more than 3 times

This past 2023, our scientists demonstrated impressive results, completing 80 projects, which is an outstanding achievement and evidence of not only high professionalism, but also dedication to research work. The total amount of RDW funding amounted to an impressive amount of 1469.3 million tenge, which indicates the trust and support that our university receives.

The emphasized attention to state budget RDW, financed on a competitive basis by the State Institution «SC MSHE RK», as well as the implementation of projects for program-targeted financing indicates a high level of organization and strategic orientation of our university.

Students are the future of our science. Your pursuit of knowledge and your willingness to explore creatively are a source of inspiration to us all. You are our scientific heritage, and your contribution to the development of science will be invaluable.

54 articles co-authored with students and undergraduates were published in periodicals, of which 23 articles were with undergraduates and 31 with students. 36 patent applications were submitted involving 18 students and 18 master’s students

Dear Colleagues! On this day, I would like to express special gratitude to everyone who, through tireless scientific research and research, makes an invaluable contribution to the development of the national economy, domestic science and education, thereby contributing improving the well-being and quality of life of all Kazakhstanis and trying to change the world for the better.

Let Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University remain an outpost of knowledge and be a driver of technological development of the region and the industrial sector of the country!

I wish you, dear colleagues, inexhaustible energy, breakthrough research, bold and extraordinary decisions, health and creative longevity!

Chairman of the Board – Rector

NJSC «Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University»

S.S. Sagintayeva
