
Chair of development of mineral deposits

On 01/09/2013

Isabek Tujak Kopejuly, of 3/29/1950 managing chair of working out of mineral deposits by him. Sagunov Ampere-second. The Karaganda state technical university, a Dr.Sci.Tech., the professor, the academician of the Kazakhstan National Academy of natural sciences of Republic Kazakhstan, the owner of the state grant «Best teacher of high school of 2008».

Drizhd Nikolay Aleksandrovich, of 12/29/1927, a Dr.Sci.Tech., the professor the Academician of the Kazakhstan national academy of natural sciences. The academician of the International academy of Sciences of ecology, safety of the person and the nature. A member of dissertational council of the Karaganda State Technical University. Lenin’s award, the Award of the Labour Red Banner, the Award “Dostyk”, the Veteran of work, the Reading and writing of Rector KarGtU, the Medal «Kazakhstan Konstitujijasyna 10 жыл», the Honourable citizen of Karaganda, Sarani, Shahtinska, twice the winner of the State award of the USSR, the Reading and writing, gratitude of Region Akimat.

Dyomin Vladimir Fedorovich, of 6/8/1952, a Dr.Sci.Tech., the professor. In 2008 the academic status the academician of the International academy of information sciences is appropriated. It is awarded by the reading and writing of Ministry of Education and Science RK, and following the results of 2007г. – the grant of MON RК «Best teacher of HIGH SCHOOL» a sign «Miner’s glory» on 3 degrees – Is the chairman of a scientific seminar on chair RMPI, the chairman of commission MON RK on creation of new textbooks, a member of the university commission on examination candidate and theses for a doctor’s degree 2009.

Arystan Ibatolla Dajyruly, of 12/15/1939, Cand.Tech.Sci., the professor. Medals: «Eren enbegi ushin», «the Veteran of work», «Honourable educator RК», «the Honours pupil of formation RК», «a medal of a name of Y.Altynsarina», and Certificates of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science. Now is the director of College of mines.

Kamarov Rymgali Kumashevich, 1949 year of birth, Cand.Tech.Sci., the professor. «The best inventor of institute», on the Honour roll of institute is brought on the Honour roll following the results of social competitions, «the Inventor of the USSR» (twice), «the Honours pupil of invention and rationalization» is awarded by breastplates. Is the winner All-Union awards THE ALL-RUSSIA SOCIETY OF INVENTORS AND RATIONALIZERS the USSR.


Ajdarova Maria Abdrahmanovna, 3/23/1936, Cand.Tech.Sci., the senior lecturer. It is awarded by an anniversary medal «For valorous work. In commemoration of the 100 anniversary from the date of V.I.Lenina’s birth». A medal «Veteran of work». For outstanding merits before university the rank “Honoured worker KarGtU” is appropriated and is awarded by the breastplate with the same name.

Davidov Yury Nikolaevich, 1937 year of birth, Cand.Tech.Sci., the senior lecturer. In 1971 has protected in Mining Institute of A.A.Skochinsky the dissertation on competition of degree of Cand.Tech.Sci. on a theme «Research and perfection of a pedigree economy of collieries of the Karaganda pool by a method of mathematical modeling». In 1987 it is awarded by a medal «Veteran of Work».


Bajkezhin Murat Asylbekovich, 09 02 1956 years, Cand.Tech.Sci., the senior lecturer. In June, 1987 has protected the master’s thesis in IGD AN KazSSR on a theme «Working out of a way of maintenance of sheeted preparatory developments of deep horizons of mines pliable ramno-ankernoj support». For achievements, the personal contribution and merits in the sphere of education in 2008 it is awarded by the reading and writing of the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic Kazakhstan, in 2003 it is awarded by the certificate of honor акима Karaganda. Has 11 certificates on the invention, 38 – scientific articles.

Romanov Vasily Ivanovich, 1/19/1949, Cand.Tech.Sci., the senior lecturer. In 2008 it is awarded by the Order of the Minister of Energy and mineral resources of Republic Kazakhstan a sign «LABOUR GLORY» on III DEGREE. The basic scientific publications: «Maintenance of stability of stationary open-cast mines», «Research of the is intense-deformed condition of a file at explosive отбойке приконтурных tapes», «Research of character of deformation of hills by working out border tapes».


Nemova Natalia Anatolevna, Cand.Tech.Sci., the senior lecturer. 6 scientific articles and 14 theses of scientific conferences are published. Participated in a writing of 3 monographies. 1 manual is published.

Baizbaev Mahmed Bejsembekovich,Cand.Tech.Sci., the senior lecturer. In 2010 has protected the master’s thesis on a theme: «Working out of technological decisions of transition to the combined geotechnology of working off крутопадающих ore deposits». 7 scientific articles and 14 theses of scientific conferences are published.

Malchenko Tatyana Dmitrievna, 1/31/1950, Cand.Tech.Sci., the senior teacher. It is awarded by reading and writing of the Department of Energy and natural resources, and акима area of Karaganda, regional committee of trade union of educators and a science.

Isabekov Eren Tujakovich, of 10/27/1979, Cand.Tech.Sci., the senior teacher. In 2010 the decision on assignment of a scientific degree of Cand.Tech.Sci. is passed.
