Educational programs

Mine surveying and geodesy department



  • 6B07206 “Mine surveying”.
  • 6B07302 “Geodesy and cartography”
  •  6B07302 “Digital aerial photography”


  • 7M07305 “Remote sensing of the earth”
  • 7M07205 “Mine Surveying”
  • 7M07301 “Geodesy”

Group of Educational Programs B071 “Mining and Mining Engineering”

Educational program 6B07206 “Mine surveying”

Training of specialists engaged in mine surveying and geodesic control for proper high quality mining excavation processes with the introduction of digital technologies.

Scope of professional activities

Mine surveying is a branch of mining science, which includes measurements on the surface and in mine workings, carried out during the exploration and operation of deposits, construction of mining enterprises in order to build plans and drawings of the studied objects, as well as to solve mining geometric problems.

The qualifications of mine surveying specialists have always made it possible to work almost immediately at any mining enterprise in the country:

  • underground gold mine with various systems of development;
  • open-pit mining of placer deposits by overburden method with the use of hydromonitors or dredge method;
  • coal mine with flat, inclined or steep seams;
  • open-pit (quarry) mining of coal, ore or other mineral deposits;
  • development of oil and gas fields;
  • underground transport construction.

In addition to the above-mentioned industries, a mine surveyor can work in all related professions, both geodetic surveying and mining. And there is a choice to work, for example, as a surveyor in all kinds of geodesic, construction, scientific, educational, research enterprises or as a mining engineer, foreman in mining enterprises.

The field of professional activity of specialists includes engineering support of human activity in the Earth’s interior during operational exploration, extraction and processing of solid minerals, construction and operation of underground facilities for various purposes.

The objects of professional activity of specialists are:

  • subsurface resources of the Earth, including production facilities, equipment and technical systems for their development;
  • techniques and technologies to ensure safe and efficient implementation of geotechnologies and extraction, processing of solid minerals and rational use of underground space.

Group of educational programs B074 “Town Planning, Construction Operations and Civil Engineering”

Educational program 6B07302 “Geodesy and Cartography”

Major subjects: mathematics, physics

Training of specialists to perform cartographic and geodesic surveys by ground and satellite methods.

Scope of professional activities

The scope of the bachelor’s professional activity is all branches of the economy, including the military-industrial complex, civil and industrial construction, government agencies in the field of land resources management, etc.

Objects of professional activity

The objects of professional activity of graduates are:

  • Earth surface, state geodetic networks and special-purpose networks;
  • construction sites of buildings and structures;
  • civil, residential, transport, and hydraulic buildings and structures;
  • mineral deposits;
  • land plots, urban areas;
  • natural and natural-anthropogenic systems.

Professional equipment

Tools of professional activity is geodetic, astronomical, aerial survey, gravimetric, photogrammetric and cartographic instruments and equipment; maps; satellite geodetic equipment, geodetic and cartographic software.

Typical tasks of professional activity:

  • topographic-geodesic support of cartographic representation of the Earth surface as a whole, separate territories and Earth surface areas;
  • creation, development and reconstruction of state geodetic networks and special-purpose networks;
  • study of the shape and external gravitational field of the Earth;
  • all kinds of topographic and special surveys of different scales;
  • mathematical processing of geodetic measurements and equalization of geodetic networks;
  • a set of activities on the design, compilation and editing of cartographic products.

Group of educational programs B075 “Cadastre and land surveying”

Educational program 6B07303 “Digital aerial photography

Major subjects: mathematics, geography

The main trend of our time is the transition from analog technology to digital technology. Thus, traditional aerial photography methods are becoming a thing of the past, giving way to unmanned aerial vehicles. UAVs are receiving more and more attention lately, they are being used in a wide range of human activities, which has a positive effect on their technological development.


  • Land Supervision and Change Tracking;
  • Complex cadastral works;
  • Digital mapping;
  • Design in 3D.


  • Creation of orthophotomaps;
  • Creation of topographic plans;
  • DTM and hypsometry.


  • Planning and design;
  • Quality control of the work performed;
  • Up-to-date information at all stages of construction.


  • Up-to-date quarry surface geometric data;
  • Digital surface model with centimeter spatial resolution;
  • Control over completeness of excavation, determination of extraction volumes, accounting of overburden volumes, determination of losses, drawing up plans for development of mining operations, monitoring of stable, safe condition of sides and dumps.


  • Infrastructure Survey;
  • Inventory and planning;
  • Environmental monitoring;
  • Operational Control


  • Creating orthophotomaps;
  • Analysis, protection and planning;
  • Operational monitoring;
  • Mapping and control of the state of the forests.


  • Surveying power lines and energy infrastructure;
  • Unmanned monitoring of heating networks;
  • Management of emergency situations.

Given the active development of UAVs Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy of KSTU has opened a new EP “Digital aerial surveying” in 2019.

In the course of study, bachelor students are introduced to the subjects of professional activities of aerial surveying, geodetic, gravimetric, photogrammetric and cartographic instruments and equipment. Separate attention is given to the study of satellite geodetic equipment, geodetic and cartographic software.

Our students have a great opportunity to be engaged in scientific activities in their specialty, as well as study parallel and related disciplines. With modern equipment and instruments, the training process of students is carried out with the maximum involvement of the most modern methods and technologies.

Educational program 7M07305 “Remote sensing of the Earth”

The purpose of the program: “Training of specialists for monitoring the Earth’s surface using space technologies in fundamental research.”

The sphere of professional activity of graduates in the field of training 7M07305 “Remote sensing of the Earth” is the acquisition of measuring spatial information about the Earth’s surface, its subsoil, objects of outer space; the display of the Earth’s surface or its individual territories on plans and maps; the implementation of coordinate-time binding of objects, phenomena and processes on the Earth’s surface and in the surrounding space space; construction of digital terrain models; organization and implementation of work on the collection and dissemination of geospatial data both on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a whole and in its individual regions in order to develop their infrastructure.

The objects of professional activity of graduates in the direction 7M07305 “Remote sensing of the earth” are: organizations engaged in sounding and geodetic works; mining, mining enterprises, geological exploration organizations, organizations operating structures for various purposes, and other objects related to the extraction and processing of minerals and the use of underground space

The objects of professional activity are also the surface of the Earth, other bodies, territories and water areas, territorial and administrative formations, artificial and natural objects on the surface and inside the Earth and other planets, as well as near-Earth and outer space, atmosphere, geodynamic phenomena and processes, physical fields of the Earth.

Educational program 7M07205 “Mine Surveying”

The purpose of the program: “Training of specialists for the development of digital technologies based on the use of geoinformation systems in the field of surveying and geomechanics.”

Field of professional activity

The sphere of professional activity of graduates is the sphere of mining science and production, which includes a set of methods, methods and means of spatial and geometric measurements performed during

the exploration of mineral deposits, design, construction, operation, liquidation (reconstruction, conservation)mining enterprises.

Objects of professional activity

The objects of professional activity of graduates are: mining, mining enterprises, geological exploration organizations, organizations operating structures for various purposes, and other objects related to the extraction and processing of minerals and the use of underground space.

Educational program 7M07301 “Geodesy”

The purpose of the program: “Training of specialists for the implementation of scientific and pedagogical activities in fundamental geodetic research.”

The graduate of this Modular educational program is awarded the degree of “Master of Technical Sciences”.

Field of professional activity

The sphere of professional activity of graduates is all branches of the economy, including the military-industrial complex, civil and industrial construction, state bodies in the field of land management, etc.

Objects of professional activity

The objects of professional activity of graduates are: the surface of the Earth, state geodetic networks and special purpose networks; construction sites of buildings and structures; civil, residential, transport, hydraulic engineering buildings and structures; mineral deposits; land plots, urban areas; natural and natural-anthropogenic systems.
