Discipline |
Day |
Group |
Time |
Aud. |
Name of the teacher |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
1 |
Mine surveying works at mine construction |
friday |
ГД-10-3 3 |
1600-1650 1700-1750 1755-1845 |
407 |
Besimbayeva O. G. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
2 |
Mine surveying works at mine construction |
tuesday |
ГД-10-1 3 |
1310-1400 1405-1455 1505-1555 |
408 |
Tuiakbai A.S. teacher |
3 |
Analysis of accuracy of mine surveying works |
thursday |
ГД-10-3 3 |
1505-1555 1600-1650 1700-1750 |
411 |
Starostina O.V. c.t.sc., associate prof. |
4 |
Analysis of accuracy of mine surveying works |
friday |
ГД-10-1 3 |
1405-1455 1505-1555 1600-1650 |
407 |
Kapasova A.Z. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
5 |
Mine surveying at OCM
monday |
ГД-11-3,4 3 |
1405-1455 1505-1555 1600-1650 |
410 |
Zhunusova G.E. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
6 |
Mine surveying at OCM
monday |
ГД-11-1 3 |
1505-1555 1600-1650 |
410 |
Tuiakbai A.S. teacher |
tuesday (num) |
900-950 955-1045 |
406 |
7 |
Mine surveying when scheduling development of mining operations |
wednesday |
ГД-10-3 4 |
1700-1750 1755-1845 |
408 |
Ozhigina S.B. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
wednesday |
1700-1750 1755-1845 |
401 |
Besimbayeva O.G. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
8 |
Mine surveying when scheduling development of mining operations |
wednesday |
ГД-10-1 4 |
1700-1750 1755-1845 |
401 |
Zhunusova G.E. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
thursday |
1700-1750 1755-1845 |
402 |
9 |
Geoinformation systems in mining |
saturday |
ГД-10-3 3 |
900-950 955-1045 1055-1145 |
401 |
Nagibin A.A. master, teacher |
10 |
Geoinformation systems in mining
wednesday |
ГД-10-1 3 |
1505-1555 1600-1650 1700-1750 |
407 |
Tuiakbai A.S. teacher |
11 |
Applied geodesy |
monday |
ГД-11-3 3 |
1600-1650 |
408 |
Besimbayeva O.G. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
wednesday |
1600-1650 1700-1750 |
414 |
Kaygorodova E.V. s. teacher |
12 |
Applied geodesy |
ГД-11-1 3 |
1505-1555 1600-1650 |
416 |
Kapasova A.Z. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
1310-1400 1405-1455 (num) |
401 |
13 |
Geometry of mineral deposits |
tuesday |
ГД-11-3 3 |
1505-1555 1600-1650 1700-1750 |
406 |
Khmyrova E.N. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
14 |
Geometry of mineral deposits |
monday |
ГД-11-1 3 |
1700-1750 1755-1845 |
407 |
Igemberlina M.B. s. teacher |
wednesday friday |
1505-1555 1310-1400 (numл) |
411 |
15 |
Economy and organization of kartografic-geodetic works |
monday |
ГиК-10-2 3 |
1505-1555 |
408 |
Besimbayeva O.G. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
tuesday |
1700-1750 1755-1845 |
414 |
Gey N.I. postg. st., асс. |
16 |
Economy and organization of kartografic-geodetic works |
wednesday |
ГиК-10-1 3 |
1600-1650 1700-1750 1755-1845 |
416 |
Nizametdinov R. F. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
17 |
Computer graphics |
saturday |
ГиК-10-2 2 |
1310-1400 1405-1455 |
416 |
Olenyuk S.P. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
18 |
Computer graphics |
tuesday |
ГиК-10-1 2 |
1505-1555 1600-1650 |
407 |
Kuanyshbekova A.A.
s. teacher |
19 |
Geodetic works at ICB |
monday |
ГиК-10-2 3 |
1700-1750 |
408 |
Besimbayeva O.G. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
thursday |
1505-1555 1600-1650 |
411 |
Kaygorodova E.V.s. teacher |
20 |
Geodetic works at ICB |
tuesday |
ГиК-10-1 3 |
1310-1400 1405-1455 1505-1555 |
406 |
Aldanysh Zh. postg. st., асс. |
21 |
Satellite methods of measurement |
wednesday |
ГиК-10-2 2 |
1505-1555 |
402 |
Ozhigina S.B.c.t.sc., s. teacher |
wednesday |
1600-1650 |
401 |
Мозер Д.В. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
22 |
Satellite methods of measurement |
thursday |
ГиК-10-1 2 |
1600-1650 1700-1750 |
411 |
Nizametdinov R. F. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
23 |
Projection, drawing up and edition of maps |
tuesday |
ГиК-10-1 2 |
900-950 955-1045 |
411 |
Kuanyshbekova A.A.
s. teacher |
24 |
Applied geodesy II |
monday |
ГиК-11-2,3 3 |
1505-1555 |
406 |
Khmyrova E.N. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
monday |
1600-1650 1700-1750 |
402 |
Kaygorodova E.V.s. teacher |
25 |
Applied geodesy II |
monday |
ГиК-11-1 3 |
1505-1555 1600-1650 1700-1750 |
401 |
Dzhamantykova R.N. teacher |
26 |
Computer calculations of engineering and geodetic tasks |
saturday |
ГиК-11-2 2 |
1150-1240 1310-1400 |
411 |
Nagibin A.A. master, преп. |
27 |
Computer calculations of engineering and geodetic tasks |
tuesday |
ГиК-11-1 2 |
1310-1400 1405-1455 |
416 |
Kuanyshbekova A.A.
s. teacher |
28 |
Geoinformatics |
tuesday |
ГиК-11-2,3 2 |
1310-1400 1405-1455 |
401 |
Сабитова В.Ф. postg. st., асс. |
29 |
Geoinformatics |
tuesday |
ГиК-11-1 2 |
1505-1555 1600-1650 |
406 |
Dzhamantykova R.N. teacher |
30 |
Digital mapping |
tuesday |
ГиК-11-2,3 2 |
1505-1555 1600-1650 |
407 |
Сабитова В.Ф. postg. st., асс. |
31 |
Digital mapping |
tuesday |
ГиК-11-1 2 |
1505-1555 1600-1650 |
411 |
Batyrshayeva Zh.M. master, s. teacher |
32 |
Geodetic instruments |
monday |
ГиК-12-2 2 |
1700-1750 1755-1845 |
408 |
Ozhigina S.B.c.t.sc., s. teacher |
1505-1555 1600-1650 |
414 |
33 |
Geodetic instruments |
wednesday |
ГиК-12-1 2 |
1505-1555 |
416 |
Batyrshayeva Zh.M. master, s. teacher |
wednesday |
1600-1650 |
416 |
Dzhamantykova R.N. teacher |
34 |
friday |
ГиК-12-1 3 |
1700-1750 1755-1845 |
407 |
Bahtybaueva A.S. master, s. teacher |
thursday |
1700-1750 |
408 |
Batyrshayeva Zh.M. master, преп. |
35 |
monday |
ГиК-12-2 3 |
1505-1555 1600-1650 |
411 |
Dolgonosov V.N. c.t.sc., as.prof. |
1700-1750 1755-1845 (numл) |
406 |
36 |
Engineering geodesy |
thursday |
ГиК-12-2 2 |
1505-1555 1600-1650 |
402 |
Khmyrova E.N. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
37 |
Engineering geodesy |
friday |
ГиК-12-1 2 |
1700-1750 |
401 411 |
Batyrshayeva Zh.M. master, s. teacher |
thursday (num) |
1700-1750 1755-1845 |
Kapasova A.Z. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
38 |
Physics of Earth and atmosphere |
saturday |
ГиК-11-2 2 |
900-950 955-1045 |
411 |
Nizametdinov R. F. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
39 |
Geodetic monitoring at construction of buildings |
friday |
ГиК-10-2 2 |
1505-1555 1600-1650 |
406 |
Khmyrova E.N. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
40 |
monday |
ГиК-12-2 3 |
1505-1555 1600-1650 |
402 |
Starostina O.V. c.t.sc., associate prof. |
wednesday |
1700-1750 |
41 |
Cartography |
thursday |
ГиК-12-1 3 |
1505-1555 1600-1650 1700-1750 |
416 |
Zhumadilda B.I. c.t.sc., associate prof. |
42 |
Topographical interpretation |
saturday |
ГиК-11-3 3 |
900-950 955-1045 1055-1145 |
401 |
Gey N.I. postg. st., асс. |
44 |
Geodesy with topography bases |
thursday |
ГПР-12-3 2 |
1600-1650 1700-1750 |
406 |
Zhunusova G.E. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
45 |
Geodesy with topography bases |
tuesday |
ГПР-12-1,2 2 |
1055-1145 1150-1240 |
407 |
Kuanyshbekova A.A.
s. teacher |
46 |
Applied geodesy |
thursday |
С-12-1,2 (ТС) 2 |
1700-1750 1755-1845 |
407 408 |
Igemberlina M.B. s. teacher |
47 |
Geodesy |
monday |
С-12-1 3 |
900-950 955-1045 |
408 |
Aldanysh Zh. postg. st., асс. |
friday |
1055-1145 |
48 |
Geodesy |
tuesday |
С-12-2 3 |
1700-1750 |
406 |
Zhunusova G.E. c.t.sc., s. teacher |
monday |
1600-1650 1700-1750 |
407 |
Nizametdinov R. F. c.t.sc., s. teacher |