Abylkas Saginov KTU held a Republican competition of readers in honor of the 130th anniversary of Magzhan Zhumabayev “Men zhastarga senemin!”

In 2023, ше will be celebrated the 130 years since the birth of the famous figure of the Alash movement, an outstanding poet, teacher, psychologist, journalist and public figure Magzhan Zhumabayev.

In connection with this significant event, the Department of Kazakh Language and Culture of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University (head of the department – Ph.D., Associate Professor K.S. Kalybekova) held an online Republican competition of readers “Men zhastarga senemin!”.

The purpose of the contest:

  • promotion of Magzhan Zhumabayev’s creative heritage among young people, fostering patriotism, awakening interest and respect for the history and past of his country through the life and work of the writer;
  • formation of motivation among the younger generation to study in general, in particular to the works of Magzhan Zhumabayev;
  • promotion of fiction;
  • training in the skills of expressive reading of works of a poetic nature;
  • expanding the scope of the state language, increasing language culture through fiction;
  • moral and intellectual education of the younger generation;
  • creating conditions for the intellectual development of young people.  

The following universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan took part in the competition:

  1. Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University NJSC;
  2. Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after Gumarbek Daukeev NJSC;
  3. D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University NJSC;
  4. North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev NJSC;
  5. Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz NJSC;
  6. Medical University of Karaganda NJSC.

The competition was held in the III nomination:

  • I nomination “Mastery of expressive reading”;
  • II nomination “Tone of voice and purity of speech”;
  • III nomination “Meaningful video recording”. 

The jury of the competition:

  • Zhumanov A.B. – Editor-in-chief of the Karaganda newspaper “Arka akshamy”, correspondent of the newspaper “Aikyn” in the Karaganda region;
  • Manakbayev A.N. – Teacher of the College of Arts named after Tattimbeta;
  • Zhakypkhanovna G.K. – Editor of the editorial and publishing department of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University NJSC. 

I nomination Mastery of expressive reading:

  • I place – D. Samopolina first-year student of Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after Gumarbek Daukeev NJSC (head: Zhekeeva K.O.);
  • II place – A. Sakenkyzy second-year student of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz NJSC (head: Akshabaeva L.);
  • III place – Kaidar T.S. student of the group GD-21-5 of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University NJSC (head: Khamzina K.M.); Koishin Zh, a student of the TT-23-1 group of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University NJSC (head: Kuleimenova L.M.). 

II nomination Tone of voice and purity of speech:

  • I place – E. Kanagat, student of the AiU-21-1 group of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University NJSC (head of Ospangalieva M.T.);
  • II place – N. Tokenova, fourth-year student of the East Kazakhstan Technical University named after D. Serikbayev NJSC (heads: Erezhepova S.K.);
  • III place – Sh. Badai student of the group SIB-23-2 of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University NJSC (head: N.A. Konurova). 

III nomination Meaningful video recording:

  • I place – S. Zeikenova, a third-year student of the North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev NJSC (head: Esmatova M.T.);
  • II place – Zh. Anayeva, a first-year student of Gumarbek Daukeev Almaty University of Energy and Communications NJSC (supervisor: Sharibzhanova G.G.);
  • III place – T. Sergazina, a student of the LOG-23-2 group of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University NJSC (head: Nurzhanova K.K.); S. Martynov, a student of the EE-23-4 group of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University NJSC (head: Sagatova G.K.). 

The following students were awarded letters of thanks for their participation in the competition:

  1. T. Karashina, a first-year student of the Gumarbek Daukeev Almaty University of Energy and Communications (head: Nurguzhina G.M.);
  2. Zhanarbekovna, a third-year student of the M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University NJSC (head: M. Esmatova);
  3. S. Slyamkhanova, first-year student of D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University NJSC (supervisors: Erezhepova S.K.);
  4. T. Nurzhankyzy, first-year student of Karaganda Medical University NJSC;
  5. M. Tussupbekov, a student of the OP-23-1c group of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University NJSC (head: Ospangalieva M.T.);
  6. E. Mammadova, a student of the ARCH-23-6 group of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University NJSC (head: Khasen M.A.);
  7. T. Akhmetova, a student of the SIB-22-2 group of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University NJSC (head: Abilkasov G.M.);
  8. A. Kanatov, a student of the IS-23 group of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University NJSC (head: G. Abildaeva).