Department of “Foreign Languages” of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University held an educational event on 20 October 2023 at 10.55: debate tournament “Youth’s view of the future of Kazakhstan”

Educational event was held on 20 October at 10.55 in the building number 1, classroom 421. The event was attended by more than 50 students, as well as teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages.

On the 20th of October on the threshold of the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan a significant educational event took place at the department “Foreign Languages”, during which the opinions of young minds of the country and their vision of the future were expressed. The event, dedicated to the theme “Young People’s Views on the Future of Kazakhstan”, was a platform for meaningful discussions, creative self-expression and democratic participation.

The centerpiece of the event was a lively debate on ‘Digital Transformation and its Impact on Youth Employment in Kazakhstan’. During the debate, students from groups IS-23-4 (led by teacher Pitirimova T.V.) and IS-23-3 (led by teacher Alieva B.O.) discussed the most important ideas about the role of technology in shaping the future of the country and its labor force. The participants discussed the potential benefits and challenges of digital transformation, as well as how it may affect the employment prospects of young people. The exchanges were not only informative, but also demonstrated the depth of understanding and engagement of young people.

After lively debates, the event took on a democratic character: elections were played. Students from three groups formed political parties The Nomads (gr. BT-23-1, teacher Nugumanova M.K.), Green Party (gr. GPR-23-1,2, teacher Beiskhanova S.A.) and Back to the Future (gr. C-21-2, teacher Tentekbayeva Zh. M.) each of which had its own unique strategy for the development of Kazakhstan. The aspiring politicians demonstrated their understanding of the country’s needs and the solutions that they believe can contribute to its development. In the course of this work, students not only honed their leadership skills but also gained a deeper understanding of the democratic process.

Artistic expression also played an important role in the event: a competition was held in which three teams of students demonstrated their creative abilities. The theme of the competition was “The Ideal Country of the Future”. The artistic works of each team illustrated their fantasy vision of a prosperous and harmonious Kazakhstan. These artistic works not only demonstrated the students’ talent, but also became a message of hope and aspiration for a bright future. The event served as a powerful reminder of the importance of youth participation in shaping the destiny of the country. It emphasised their enthusiasm, ingenuity and desire to contribute to the development of Kazakhstan.

By discussing digital transformation, creating political parties and expressing their vision through art, the students demonstrated their ambition to become active and informed citizens who will play a key role in the future development of their country.

The students were awarded certificates in the nominations “The most innovative concept”, “Best artistic execution”, “Best presentation and explanation”, “Best teamwork and collaboration”, “Most persuasive argument”.

In conclusion, we can say that the event “Youth Vision for the Future of Kazakhstan” was a testament to the potential of the country’s young generation. Their views on digital transformation, their political aspirations, their artistic expression – all this paints a picture of a bright and promising future for Kazakhstan. It is obvious that young people are not only the future of the country, but also its dynamic present, actively participating in shaping the future.
