
Curator S. Zh. Sakenova held an introductory conversation with group RET-23-1 on the topic “Bullying: what it is and how to stop it.”

Bullying is persistent intentional negative actions directed at the same person by another person or group of people.

Bullying can take various forms:

  • spreading rumors,
  • threats,
  • physical or verbal attack,
  • exclusion of a child from the group, isolation,
  • other gestures or actions that harm the child directly or indirectly.

Helpful tips for victims of bullying were also shared.

In addition, the topic of suicidal risk factors was addressed. The algorithm for helping those at risk was explained to the students.

To summarize the topic of bullying, it was recommended to seek professional help if the need arises. The university also has a psychological service, for help you can contact Building 1, Room 322.
