Charity “Road to School”

The staff of the department “Development of mineral deposits” NJSC “Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov” took part in the “Road to School” campaign and provided charitable assistance to large, low-income families.

Assistance was rendered to a large family of Kusheva Galia from the city of Aktas. A family with four children studying in the 6th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade and Bolashak College were presented with school supplies.

The following employees of the department took an active part in the charity event РМПИ: Имашев А.Ж., Исабек Т.К., Демин В.Ф., Усенбеков М.С., Байкенжин М.А., Исагулов С.Т., Асаинов С.Т., Жумабеков М.Н., Абеуов Е.А., Бахтыбаев Н.Б., Зейтинова Ш.Б., Мусин Р.А., Замалиев Н.М., Хусан Б., Асанова Ж. М., Жумабекова А.Е., Халикова Э.Р., Рабатұлы М., Матаев А.Қ., Ивадилинова Д.Т., Ефремова С.С., Дони Д.Н., Рахимова А.Б., Захаров А.М., Ескенова Г.Б., Жүніс Г.М., Есен А.М., Жунусбекова Г.Ж., Атагельдиев К.Т.

Kusheva Galiya:

-It was a pleasant surprise for me and my children, there are no words to express gratitude. You not only helped us, you arranged a real holiday for my children and for me. Thank you very much.
