A presentation of books dedicated to the upcoming 70th anniversary at Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University NPJSC was held in the library’s reading room from April 17 to 19.

The event was attended by the Executive Director of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Issagulov A.Z., Member of the Board, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Теmerbayeva A.M., Vice-rector for Educational Work Kalykov A. K., Vice-rector for Research Rakishev A. K., authors of anniversary publications, deans of faculties, heads of departments, members of the Corporate University, teachers, students.

The authors of the publications spoke about the importance of the subject area for the assimilation of certain competencies and the relevance of the publication of monographs, educational and scientific manuals included in the cycle of anniversary editions.

During the presentation, the participants got acquainted with the history of the university and the library in photographs; with the only rare 7-volume edition in Kazakhstan “Architectural Encyclopedia of the XIX century” of 1902, the author of which Gavriil Vasilyevich Baranovsky (1860-1920) – architect, architectural historian, publisher and owner of a book collection of rare “Miniature Books”. Also at the exhibition were presented the first books that formed the library of the Mining Institute (20 books) 1902 – 1953, monographs and scientific works at KPTI from 1953 – 2022, the university’s own publications (textbooks, manuals) from 1970 – 2022, author’s editions of the rector at Abylkas Saginov KPTI; books published by 70- the anniversary of the university (40 titles).

The presentation aroused great interest among both students and the teaching staff, who got acquainted with new facts about the university’s book fund and its history in general.
