On April 19, a regular online meeting of the industry commission of the  Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held to approve the Register of professions. The meeting was held under the leadership of the Vice-Minister of MDDIAI Zhambakin A.S.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor N.I. Tomilova and Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Acting Professor V.N. Golovacheva took part from the “Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University“ NPJSC to work on the development/updating of the industry qualification framework (IQF) and professional standards (PS).

The main sources of information for the formation of the Register are the existing reference books, classifiers of specialties and occupations, Atlas of new professions, IQF. Additional sources will be developed expert opinions of representatives of educational institutions – colleges and universities, operating industry companies, large industry associations, government agencies, as well as consulting companies.

The annually updated Register is the basis and tool for analyzing and developing a plan for updating/developing the IQF and PS, and will also have an impact on the entire system of training IT specialists and on the methodological basis for the formation of the IT labor market demand, as well as on the development of the economy of Kazakhstan as a whole.

It should be noted that the updating of the Register, as well as in the subsequent RQF and PS, will positively affect the following:

  • improving the quality of training of IT specialists in Kazakhstan;
  • expansion of labor mobility of IT specialists at the regional and transnational levels through unification with international requirements for knowledge, competencies and skills;
  • creating the possibility of choosing professional trajectories.

The work of this project group will serve to ensure the high relevance, objectivity and practical content of the generated documents, which are the main elements of the national qualification system.
