Every year on April 12, the Republic of Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of Science Workers. On the eve of this holiday, traditionally in late March – early April, the Department of Higher Mathematics of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University holds the International Distance Competition of Student Scientific Works “Mathematics and Its Applications in Science and Technology” among master students and students of universities in Kazakhstan, countries of near and far abroad.

This year, the V International Distance Competition has already taken place.  For participation in it there have been presented scientific works of students from Kazakhstan, Russia and Italy.

Within the framework of the competition, two sections worked: “Mathematical and Computer Modeling” and “Applied Mathematics”.

The results of the competition were evaluated by a jury consisting of Doctor of Engineering, Professor S.Sh. Kazhikenova (Chairman of the jury); Doctor of Engineering, Professor S.K. Tutanov, Associate Professors L.M. Mustafina, G.S. Shaikhova, N.F. Abayeva, V.V. Zhurov.

Based on the results of consideration of the submitted works, the jury selected 23 research projects from Politecnico di Milano, Rome University of Fine Arts (Italy), OMSTU, TPU (Russia), Abylkas Saginov KTU, Academician E.A. Buketov KU, KBTU, Almaty Technological University, Zh. Dosmukhamedo Higher Pedagogical College, etc.

The winners have been announced:

– Nomination “Topical Issues of Science”:

  • Kilbayev A.N. (Abylkas Saginov KTU), Pristavskaya D.V. (TPU, Tomsk), Ivanov K.S. (OMSTU, Omsk) – diplomas of the first degree;
  • Nurpeisova A. (Politecnico di Milano), Nasibolla N.S., Hammat A. (Zh. Dosmukhamedov Higher Pedagogical Colleger) – diplomas of the second degree;
  • Kenishbayev N.E., Khamitova S.Zh. (Abylkas Saginov KTU) – diplomas of the third degree;

– Nomination “Applied Aspects of Mathematics”:

  • Bulgakova E.Yu. (Abylkas Saginov KTU) – diploma of the first degree;
  • Mussin Sh.M. (Zh. Dosmukhamedov Higher Pedagogical College) – diploma of the second degree;
  • Rybalkin A.A., Shevtsov R.A. (Abylkas Saginov KTU) – diplomas of the third degree;

– Nomination “Research Work of Applied Nature”:

  • Shansharov D.Қ. (Abylkas Saginov KTU) – diploma of the first degree;
  • Satenova A.K., Kuduman A.Zh., Shaltakova A.N. (Abylkas Saginov KTU), Utegenova A.A. (KBTU) – diplomas of the second degree;

– Nomination “Mathematics in Programming”:

  • Tarashchuk N.O. (E.A. Buketov KU) – diploma of the first degree;
  • Zhambekov A.B., Asilov M.A., Adenov A.A., Reva D.D., Maksimov P.P. (Abylkas Saginov KTU), Karimova S.Y. (Rome University of Fine Arts) – diplomas of the second degree;
  • Abilkhan A.M. (E.A. Buketov KU) – diploma of the third degree;

– Nomination “Applications of Mathematical Modeling”:

  • Kanafina A.R. (Abylkas Saginov KTU) – diploma of the first degree;
  • Saratovkina A.P. (E.A. Buketov KU) – diploma of the second degree;
  • Makayeva A.E. (Abylkas Saginov KTU), diploma of the third degree;

– Nomination “Profession-oriented Mathematics”:

  • Atantayev B.M. (E.A. Buketov KU) – diploma of the first degree;
  • Kamiyeva D.B. (Abylkas Saginov KTU) – diploma of the second degree;
  • Sagatova K.K. (Abylkas Saginov KTU) – diploma of the third degree;

– Nomination “Mathematics in the Modern World”:

  • Abilpeysova M.B. (Abylkas Saginov KTU) – diploma of the first degree;
  • Nasyradinov B.A. (Almaty Technological University) – diploma of the second degree;
  • Kiyutina K.E. (E.A. Buketov KU) – diploma of the second degree.

We express our gratitude for active participation, high professionalism, forming the conditions for the development of talented and gifted young specialists to universities – participants of the V International competition of student scientific works “Mathematics and its Applications in Science and Technology”
