Opening of the Republican student scientific conference

On April 13, the opening of the Republican student scientific conference “Contribution of youth science to the implementation of the Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050” took place at the Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University. It was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of our university.

Isagulov Aristotle Zeynullinovich, executive director of the university, doctor of technical sciences, professor, winner of the Al-Farabi State Prize, delivered a welcoming speech. He congratulated the participants on the just-passed Day of the researcher and the upcoming anniversary of the university, wished everyone fruitful work both in scientific research and in the educational process.

At the plenary session, 8 students spoke on topical topics such as:

  • “Analysis of the unemployment rate in the economy of Kazakhstan”;
  • “Problems of modern electric power industry and ways to solve them”;
  • “Kazakhstandags urbanization process: trends and prospects”;
  • “The impact of the exchange rate on the national economy”;
  • “ANY LOGIC” – environment simulation modeling of a new generation in solving logistics problems”;
  • “The use of unmanned aerial vehicles for solving geodetic problems”;
  • “The use of 3D printing in machine-building production”.

The presented reports aroused great interest among the participants of the conference.
