October 25 is the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On the eve of the celebration of the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on October 21, 2022, on the Open Day of the 6th branch of the Central City Library named after. M. Auezov, the evening of the meeting “Kyran elim Kazakhstanym” of students of Abylkas Saginov KarTU with the deputy of the city Maslikhat Kamali Zhibek Kamalievna and the executive secretary of the branch of the party “Amanat” of the Kazybekbi district Bagchay Abai Arystanbekovich was held. Students during the event took an active part, answering questions on the history of Kazakhstan, the formation of an independent state. During the event, the book exhibition “Kyran elim Kazakhstanym” was presented. The event ended with the song “Atameken”. The organizers of the event were senior lecturers of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies Mukarkhan K., Zhaksybaeva M. E.
