Minutes No. 4 dated 22/12/2020

Members of the Board of Directors attended:

Daulenov Miras Mukhtaruly

Mussin Sanat Kabidenuly

Kenzhin Bolat Mauletuly

Danilov Alexander Sergeevich


  1.  On approval of the Development Plan of NLC Karaganda Technical University for 2020-2024.

(Speaker – A.Kh. Abiltussupova, Chief Accountant)

  1. On approval of the terms of reference for the Development Plan of NLC Karaganda Technical University for 2021.

(Speaker – A.Kh. Abiltussupova, Chief Accountant)

  1. On the determination of the size of official salaries, Chairman of the Board – Rector, Chief Accountant, Corporate Secretary;
  2. On approval of the classifier of internal documents of NLC Karaganda Technical University.

(Speaker – G.S. Zhetessova, First Vice-Rector)
