Information of the state budget funding projects of young scientists Zhas Galym-2 for 2022-2024 

AP14972804 «Development of software for technological preparation of production based on a formalized design methodology» w.s. Savelyeva N.A.


In the context of the innovative and industrial development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, demands have increased to reduce the time required to develop technology (technological processes and means of equipping them) while improving its quality. This becomes especially relevant with the widespread development of production systems. Effective use of these systems requires automation of technological preparation, including the design of manufacturing technology, which is the most labor-intensive.

Currently, there is a gap between the intensification of production itself and the pace of its technological preparation. Low rates of production preparation restrain production rates and significantly reduce the effectiveness of measures to improve production. The most important means of intensifying production in mechanical engineering is the automation of technology design, which should ensure the automation of engineering work, both in routine and in creative areas. Design automation is a tool for solving production problems at a new, higher quality level.

Scientific novelty of the project consists of formalizing the design process and technology, on the basis of which a software product will be created that has such properties as the ability to design technological processes for a wide variety of products, including new ones that have not previously been put into production; in the development of mathematical models of the technological process of machining parts, ensuring objective adoption of technological decisions and reflecting the dynamics of qualitative and quantitative transformation of workpieces during the production process; in the development of algorithms for the formation of sets of databases, optimal processing plans, transitions and operations; in the development of a technology design methodology in a non-dialogue mode, ensuring a reduction in design time and eliminating subjective errors, reducing production costs and quality losses.

Objective of the projectis the development of a system for automated design of technological processes for machining by cutting parts in conditions of single and small-scale production.

Expected and achieved results

As a result of the project, a formalized computer-aided design methodology will be developed and, on the basis of it, software for technological preparation of production in conditions of single and small-scale production, ensuring a reduction in design time, eliminating subjective errors, reducing production costs and quality losses.

In 2023, to solve the assigned problems, a four-level mathematical model was developed based on multi-criteria analysis, taking into account the determination of optimal sets of cutting tools, the best options for technological processing routes, taking into account the magnitude of production costs and quality costs.

A new methodology for selecting a rational technological process option has been developed, which will ensure a reduction in the time it takes to introduce new design developments into production.

  1. 2 articles have been published in a journal recommended by COXON or in other domestic peer-reviewed scientific publications.
  2. 1 article has been published with a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 50.
  3. 1 article was published in a foreign peer-reviewed scientific publication.

Research group

1.Savelyeva Nadezhda Aleksandrovna – scientific supervisor, m.t.s., postdoctoral student, teacher of the Department of TEME&SD


ResearcherIDIOQ-2756- 2023

Scopus Author ID 57217129106

2.Zhetessova Gulnara Santayeva – responsible executor, DSc., Professor of the department of TEME&SD

Researcher ID S-3369-2017

Scopus Author ID 57219845188

2023 publication list

1.Savelyeva N.A., Zhetessova G.S., Nikonova T.Y., Reshetnikova O.S., Berg A.S., Berg A.A., Yassakov Y.D. Prerequisites for developing a technological preparation database of small- and medium-scale machine-building industries, p.27-33, Material and mechanical engineering technology, 2, 2023. (CCES). DOI 10.52209/2706-977X_2023_2_27.

2.Zhetessova G.S., Savelyeva N.A., Nikonova T.Yu., Yurchenko V.V., Berg A.A. Development of a software module for technological preparation of production of single and small-scale machine-building enterprises, pp. 122-133, BULLETIN of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov. Series Technical Sciences and Technologies, 3(144), 2023. (CCES). DOI 10.32523/2616-7263-2023-144-3-122-133.

  1. Savelyeva N.A., Zhetessova G.S., Nikonova T.Y., Yurchenko V.V., Kalinin A.A., Mateshov A.K., Berg A.A. Analysis of existing models for technological preparation of production, pp. 142-144, Natural and Technical Sciences №1 (176), 2023. DOI 10.25633/ETN.2023.01.13.
  2. Nikonova, T.; Savelyeva, N.; Zhetessova, G.; Yurchenko, V.; Cernašėjus, O.; Zharkevich, O.; Dandybayev, E.; Berg, A.; Vassenkin, S.; Baimuldin, M. Implementation of Simulation Modeling of Single and High-Volume Machine-Building Productions. Preprints 2023, 2023100416.

Information for potential users

The target consumers of the obtained results of the project are machine-building enterprises, large and medium-sized mining enterprises, on the basis of which there are repair and mechanical parks.

As a result of the project, a formalized computer-aided design methodology will be developed and, on the basis of it, software for technological preparation of production in conditions of single and small-scale production, ensuring a reduction in design time, eliminating subjective errors, reducing production costs and quality losses.

The impact of the expected results of the project on the development of the main scientific direction and related fields of science and technology lies in the formalization of the design process and technologies, on the basis of which a software product will be created that will make it possible to design technological processes for a wide variety of products, including new ones that have not previously been received into production, which will improve the quality of technological services, improve product manufacturing technology and its quality, and ultimately make Kazakhstan’s products competitive. The development of mathematical models of the technological process of machining parts will ensure objective adoption of technological decisions and will reflect the dynamics of qualitative and quantitative transformation of workpieces during the production process.

Expected social and economic effect. The use of the methodology and software will reduce the time it takes to introduce new design developments into production, which is a necessary condition for increasing their efficiency. International effects are due to the possibility of high-tech, high-demand, knowledge-intensive products entering foreign markets, reducing the technological dependence of the republic and increasing the international authority of Kazakhstan.

Application area. Applicability and scientific results obtained possible by scientific and design organizations, as well as in higher educational institutions teaching bachelors, masters and doctoral students.


AP14972873 «Developing resource-saving technologies of producing ore deposits in order to increase the completeness of the mineral extraction» w.a Balpanova M.Zh.


Currently, the issues and tasks of rational use of all the available mining, geological and technological resources to maintain an appropriate level of efficiency of underground mines are becoming increasingly relevant, while one of the most important reserves for increasing the efficiency of mine development should be considered the most complete extraction of reserves through the subsequent excavation of support pillars.

A common system for developing horizontal and inclined ore deposits is the room-and-pillar mining system followed by pillar excavation (re-mining). The high-performance system, however, is characterized by significant drawbacks: ore losses throughout the panel as a whole reach 20…40%, which increase under conditions of increased rock pressure, due to premature collapse of the roof and pillars. The main structural elements of the room-and-pillar development system are the ceiling (the room roof) and the pillar.

Despite the large amount of theoretical and experimental studies of assessing the stress state of the mining system structural elements, there is still no final scientifically based approach to the effective design of technological parameters for mining ore deposits. A generally accepted method for calculating the parameters of a development system is to calculate the parameters of pillars and spans of production chambers depending on the depth of development and based on empirical dependencies obtained in specific fields, which is not always applicable in other similar fields. Even taking into account the fact that mining and geological conditions at one deposit can change to the same extent, and the use of rock sliding parameters from one area of the deposit to another area can lead to an increase or decrease in the magnitude of the load acting on the pillars. This, accordingly, leads to an increase or decrease in the size of the pillars, loss of minerals, imbalance of the geomechanical structure “pillar – roof” and its collapse.

Therefore, the problem of increasing the efficiency of ore deposit development, taking into account the stress-strain state of the massif to ensure complete extraction of minerals, is an important task from a practical and scientific point of view, the solution of which makes it possible to reduce the cost per unit of extracted mineral.

Based on the analysis and review of the state of the issue, the goal of scientific and applied work is formulated – the creation of new technologies for the development of ore deposits, ensuring the complete extraction of minerals, by establishing the order and direction of mining pillars in panels, based on determining the load on the pillars, by constructing curved sliding lines for each lithological type of rocks composing the overlying strata.

Therefore, the relevance of the problem of developing technological schemes for optimizing field development parameters, taking into account the geomechanical state of the rock mass during the development of stratified (layered) ore bodies, is always an important task in the mining industry.

The project purpose is to develop new mining technologies that ensure complete extraction of minerals by determining the order and direction of mining on panels based on determining the load on the deposits by creating curved sliding surfaces for each lithologic rock type.

Expected and achieved results

The work is being carried out in accordance with the work plan of the project.

A review and analysis of the world experience in studying and solving problems of completeness and quality of ore mining in ore mining systems with open space in underground mines is made. Field studies were carried out to assess the condition of the structural elements of excavator systems.

The dependence of the degree of load (load coefficient) of the supporting piles on the main parameters of the panel excavation was determined, taking into account the shape of the piles and the deformation zone of the adjacent rock layer limited by sliding surfaces.

The strength of the Kentirek massif is determined by the method of reverse calculations based on the facts of their destruction. Based on natural monitoring of destruction and deformation of the camp, criteria for the destruction of the camp mass were determined.

The dependence of the average load factor on the CC on the main parameters of panel processing was determined (Fig. 1).

  Figure 1. Graph of the average load factor in the CC dependence on the main parameters of panel processing


By modeling changes in the stability of the massif at the top of the panel depending on its width, the total subsidence of the earth’s surface during development of the deposit was determined (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. By modeling changes in the stability of the massif at the top of the panel depending on its width, the general subsidence of the earth’s surface during repeated mining of the deposit is determined (a – panel width 100 m, b – panel width 200 m) , c – panel width 300 m, d – panel width 400 m).

Research team

  1. Balpanova Merey Zhumagaliyevna, project manager, MTS, researcher at the KazMIRR Institute.

Researcher ID: AGM-4593-2022.

ORCID: 0000-0002-1513-5317.

Scopus Author ID: 57218699653.

  1. Kozhogulov Kamshibek Chonmurunovich, scientific consultant, PhD, Professor, Director of the Institute of Geomechanics and Subsoil Development of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Researcher ID: AHC-5431-2022.

ORCID: 0000-0002-0813-8907.

Scopus Author ID: 57193738833.

List of publications

  1. M. Balpanova, A. Zhienbayev, Zh. Assanova, M. Zharaspayev, R. Nurkasyn, B. Zhakupov. Analyzing the roof span stability in terms of room-and-pillar system of ore deposit mining // Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2023, Volume 17 (2023), Issue 1, p. 129-137, Scopus 71%.
  2. M.Zh. Balpanova, D.K. Takhanov, A. Zhienbayev, G. Zhunusbekova. Geomechanical maintenance of the mining system of plain deposits in the Zhaman-Aibat field // Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, Almaty: Publishing House of LLP “Scientific and Production Enterprise “Interrin”, 2023, No. 2, P 37-42 , CQASHE.
  3. Method of constructing an artificial pillar. Patent for utility model of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 8447 dated June 20, 2023, Balpanova Merey Zhumagalievna, Takhanov Daulet Kuatovich, Balabayev Oyum Temirgaliyevich, Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Information for potential consumers

The results of the project make it possible to increase the level of industrial safety at mining enterprises developing flat and inclined deposits, and to create the prerequisites for economical technology for the development of ore deposits in order to increase the completeness of mineral extraction.

As a result of implementing the project, based on the results of a set of studies (theoretical and full-scale), including an assessment of the stability and destruction of the massif around the support pits and mined-out spaces, a new technological scheme for mining ore bodies will be developed, which will ensure the stability of the quarries at the stages of reconstruction.

Scope: mining industry.


AP14972951 «Optimization of mining parameters to control ore dilution during mining of low-power deposits based on a complex of geotechnical solutions» – s.w. Mussin A.A.


At present, the practical dilution of ore in all low-power deposits is an unsolved problem. The consequences of dilution leads to an increase in the cost of transportation and processing of ore, respectively, the cost of minerals increases. The relevance of research. Low-power ore bodies, as a rule, have a complex structure with possible inflations and clamps. When working off low-power ore deposits with a system of low-rise collapse with end-face ore release, the probability of a decrease in the mineral content increases. For example, the actual dilution of ore at the Akbakai deposit of Altynalmas JSC reaches 70% or more.

Most thin deposits are characterized by a complex morphology of ore bodies, the presence of parallel cracks, tectonic disturbances and a variety of physical and mechanical properties of the ore and host rocks. The small thickness of the ore body, combined with difficult occurrence conditions, causes significant dilution of the ore.

With low-productivity mining systems (layered excavation with backfilling of goaf, excavation with stockpiling of ore), dilution is always lower than with high-productivity systems with open mining spaces (storey collapses, excavation by sublevel drifts, etc.).

Naturally, when developing thick ore deposits of homogeneous composition, dilution is possible only at the contacts of the ore deposit with its host rocks, and in general throughout the ore body, dilution will be minimal. In thin ore deposits, the dilution rate becomes higher due to the collapse of the surrounding rocks of the near-ore zone due to various factors.

The extent of dilution of thin ore deposits mainly depends on the mining system used, the structural and strength properties of the massif, the impact of the explosion force on the host rock, the use of artificial support of the goaf, the natural stress field of the rock mass, the geometric characteristics of the vein, the thickness and fall of the ore body.

The problem of ore dilution has been studied by many domestic and foreign authors. Despite the large amount of theoretical and experimental research, to date there is no scientifically based approach to controlling ore dilution during the mining of thin ore deposits using a sublevel caving system with end ore release.

Reducing ore dilution requires a comprehensive study of the structural, strength properties and stress-strain state of the rock mass, drilling and blasting operations, leaving security pillars, and maintaining wall rocks with support.

Today, practical ore dilution in all thin deposits is an unsolved problem. The consequences of dilution leads to an increase in the cost of transportation and processing of ore, and the cost of the mineral increases accordingly. Consequently, the management of ore dilution during the mining of thin ore deposits by systems with open treatment spaces is an urgent problem that requires a complex of research and practical work.

The purpose of the dissertation work is to substantiate the parameters of mining operations based on a set of geomechanical studies that make it possible to reduce ore dilution when mining thin ore bodies using a sublevel caving system. In connection with the above, the management of ore dilution during the development of thin deposits with high-performance mining systems is an urgent problem that requires a complex of research and practical work.

Objective of the project

The goal of the project is to conduct a set of geotechnical studies to determine the rating of host rocks to develop a methodology for optimizing the parameters of mining operations, ensuring a reduction in ore dilution.

Expected and achieved results

– a comparative analysis of the influence of the rating classification of the massif, the development system, the artificial maintenance of host rocks and the abandonment of support pillars on reducing ore dilution was carried out;

-the applicability of artificial maintenance of the host rocks of the treatment chamber during mining of low-power veins by a sublevel caving system has been studied;

– the influence of supporting pillars on the stability of the hanging and lying side of the cleaning chamber was studied, taking into account the structural and strength properties of the rock mass;

– a database on the structural and strength properties of rocks was created, based on the rating classifications of the massif, and the rating of the massif was determined using the Bartan Q, RQD, GSI and RMR methods in accordance with the international standard ISRM;

a three-dimensional block model of the field was built based on the rating classification of the massif according to the Bartan Q, RQD, RMR and GSI criteria;

– studies were carried out with changes in the parameters of the chamber and supporting pillars based on numerical analysis, aimed at maintaining the stability of the ore-hosting rocks

– pilot tests were carried out in rocks of medium stability and unstable rocks, with optimized drilling schemes and explosive charge design, aimed at reducing the impact of the explosion force on the boundary massif.

Figure 3. Construction of a stereogram in Dips software and identification of fracture systems

The strength of undisturbed rock (IRS) is a value that represents an estimate of the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) using a standard method for evaluating the strength of undisturbed rock. To evaluate UCS, a core without microdefects, such as veins and healed cracks, should be used. If there is anisotropy of the rock (shale, stratification, breccia, etc.), this should be recorded in the comment column.

A penknife, a carbide drawing pencil and/or a geological hammer should be used for the assessment. The average UCS values, which should be representative of the entire documentation unit, should be recorded in the documentation log. Documenters often tend to test only stronger pieces of core, because they are undisturbed and easier to measure. For comparison, the uniaxial compressive strength of ordinary concrete is about 35 MPa. The test will require a penknife and a rock hammer, and it is also possible to use a pocket test pencil and a Schmidt hammer, as shown in Figure 4. The test must be performed for each interval. Such an observation-based approach makes it possible to obtain a cost-effective assessment of the strength of undisturbed rock, provided that the strength values are verified in laboratory tests.

If variations in rock strength are identified within the documentation interval, the percentage of weak and strong rocks should be estimated and reported. In case of differences in rock strength values within an engineering geological interval (for example, 1 cm of friction clay), the “average” rock strength is calculated taking into account the relative volumes of various materials present within the interval.

If solid rock strength is a significant factor for a project, field point loading testing should be conducted as part of a standard documentation procedure in accordance with the proposed ISRM methodology. Point loading tests provide quantitative measurements of rock strength, which are necessary to fill the void created between the qualitative description of rock characteristics (strength index) and the quantitative requirements of some engineering estimates. Every effort should be made to ensure that tests are carried out on the most representative samples of the rock mass, and not on samples that are easier to test. To determine anisotropy, both axial and diametric tests are required.

It is recommended that intact rock strength tests be performed at the end of the documentation process for each geomechanical interval, after the RQD has been determined and fractures counted, to avoid confusing artificial fractures caused by these tests with natural ones. These artificial test cracks should also be marked on the core with a red marker. The test begins with testing the rock for impact strength, then continues further testing to see if the undisturbed rock is weaker in strength (i.e., determining the degree of strength). Weaker rocks include rocks with a strength of up to 25 MPa. Materials having an undisturbed strength above 1 MPa can be considered, from a geomechanical point of view, as rocks, and materials having a strength below 1 MPa as soils. For example, tectonic breccia, cracks filled with crushed material. For such materials, a soil strength classification based on the UCS rating method is used.

For certain crack systems, Unwedge software performed an analysis using the limit equilibrium method in order to determine the stability margin of the wedges, which is shown in Figure 4.

Analysis by the limit equilibrium method showed that the rocks of the hanging wall are in a stable state, while the safety factor of the rocks of the hanging wall is 0.98, which suggests that the hanging wall requires artificial support by fastening using cable anchors.

Rope anchors are installed along the wells, single or double – the ropes are represented by geometrically modified cables, the minimum tensile strength of each rope is 250 kN with a length of 6 or 9 m. All rope anchors with double cables must have a diameter of 15.2 mm.

Drilling holes for installing cable anchors and installation is carried out using a PHQ universal drilling machine.

After installing the cables, the walls of the hole between the cable anchors must be filled with cement mortar.

The minimum dimensions of rope anchor plates should be 300×300 mm with a thickness of 10 mm. The installation of the plates is carried out 12 hours after filling the wells in which the rope anchors are installed with cement mortar.

Work procedure for installing cable anchors:

– a cable anchor assembled with a tube for air removal is inserted into the drilled well, so that a «residual part» of the anchor about 200 mm long remains at the wellhead;

– a tube connected to a hose for supplying cement mortar is inserted into the well to a depth of 1.0 m;

– the wellhead with an installed anchor and a cement mortar supply tube is compacted and compacted with a wad (paper, rags, etc.);

– the cement mortar is pumped using a pneumatic pump;

After 12 hours of curing, a support washer with a cone nut is installed.

After making the aggregate in the form of a cement mortar, samples are taken to determine the compressive strength of the cement. The period for complete hardening of cement is 28 days. Below in Figure 5.1-5.2 is a graph for determining the strength of cement mortar by day

The results of the comparative analysis with the overlying sublevels are summarized in the diagram in Figure 5.3. From a comparative analysis of ore dilution, it is clear that the cable anchors did not prevent the detachment of hanging wall rocks, and accordingly, ore dilution did not decrease.

Research group

  1. Mussin Aibek Abdukalykovich – scientific supervisor, PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of DMDD

Author ID in Scopus: 57225333744

Researcher ID Web of Science: AGD-697-2022

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6318-9056

  1. Abeuov Erkebulan Aytuganovich -scientific consultant, c.t.s., associate professor of the department of DMDD

ORCID – 0000-0002-6420-565X

Scopus Author ID – 57222604289

List of publications

Published 1 article in a journal indexed in the Scopus database:

Mussin A., Imashev A., Matayev A., Shaike N., Kuttybayev A.  «Reduction of ore dilution when mining low-thickness ore bodies by means of artificial maintenance of the mined-out area» // Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2023, 17(1), страницы 35–42.

1 article was published in the journal «Proceedings of the University» in peer-reviewed foreign and domestic publications recommended by CCES

MUSSIN A.A., ABDIYEVA L.M. Management of ore dilution by substantiating the optimal parameters of cleaning chambers and pillars, Republican journal «Proceedings of the University». – Karaganda, 2023. – №3. – pp. 206-212.

1 patent for utility model was received (Appendix 3) №8526 Musin Aibek Abdukalykovich, Imashev Askar Zhanbolatovich, Suimbaeva Aigerim Maratovna, Mataev Azamat Kalizhanuly «A method for reducing ore dilution when developing thin and thin ore bodies»

Information for potential users

Scientific and applied work is a method that is justified and implemented in practice, allowing one to determine rational parameters for conducting mining operations based on a set of geotechnical solutions aimed at minimizing ore dilution when mining thin deposits using a sublevel caving system with end release of ore.

Application area

The results of the research can be used in the development of low-power ore bodies by a sub-storey collapse system.

The results of the research will be used in the preparation of 1 PhD dissertations, educational and methodological complexes on the discipline «Field development systems in the PG» of the educational program 6B07202 «Mining», «Geoinformation systems in mining» of the educational program 7M07202 «Mining».


AR14972877 «Development of methods for predicting sudden emissions of coal and gas based on the study of coal nanocoating» – w.r. Maussymbaeva A.D.



The results of the research can be used at the enterprises of ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC, Industrial Energy Alliance LLP, TaldyKuduk-Gas LLP, KazTransGas JSC, coal mines of Shubarkol Komir JSC, Zhalyn mine, Saryarka-ENERGY LLP in predicting sudden emissions of coal and methane based on determination of the nanostructure of the explored layers, thereby preserving the safety of miners. The research results can be used in assessing the stress-strain state of coal seams not only in practice, but also in the educational process. The research results can be used in the intensification of methane recovery of coal seams by knowing their nanostructure. The results of the research can be applied when using new methods of influencing the coal seam to increase gas recovery

The authors have developed an experimental setup that will be used for the proposed devices. It is designed for debugging hardware and software solutions at the design stage of the device and consists of an inductor wound on a quartz tube, a breadboard with an amplifier, filter, phase shifter and synchronous rectifier mounted on it. The experimental setup also includes a controller board designed to generate all the necessary signals, a laboratory power supply and an oscilloscope designed to control the shape and levels of signals at the stage of debugging the hardware of the device

Objective of the project

To develop an innovative method for predicting sudden emissions of coal and gas by studying the nanocoating of coal substances with their subsequent implementation in coal mines.

Expected and achieved results

– for the year 2023:

To predict the outburst hazard of coal seams using the initial gas release rate, certain steps were taken, which are as follows: to begin with, we selected the optimal locations for drilling control holes, the diameter of which is 42-43 mm. Then drilling intervals were set at depths of 1.5 m, 2.5 m and 3.5 m. A measuring chamber 0.5 m long was installed in each hole, where the initial gas release rate was measured in accordance with the methodology, using technical means such as sensors and analyzers. This process provides accurate data that is then used to predict the outburst hazards of coal seams and develop effective measures to prevent potential explosive situations.

The problem of creating a method for predicting the outburst hazard of a coal seam is presented, taking into account the influence of temperature activation of methane mass transfer in coals, which is formed under the influence of high-speed deformation of a coal mass, taking into account the energy of its shape change that arises as a result of this process. To develop such a method for predicting the outburst hazard of a coal seam, the temperature activati

on of methane mass transfer in the coal massif, which is formed under the influence of high-speed deformation, was taken into account. In addition, it is important to take into account the energy of change in the shape of the coal mass, which arises during this process. This integrated approach predicts potential coal and methane emissions, providing effective measures to prevent explosion-like situations.

A monograph and 3 articles have been published in the publications of CCES, RSCI, in materials of conferences near and far abroad, in materials of international conferences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in international publications.

Figure 1. Installation EPP-40 (a), installation UZG-4 (b), steam jet device UPS 4.3-geyser (c)

Figure 2. Appearance (a) and circuit (b) of the PINK source (1 – cathode cavity; 2 – incandescent tungsten cathode; 3 – electric drive; 4 – stabilizing coil; 5 – focusing coil; 6 – water–cooled flange; 7 – insulator; 8 – water-cooled housing)

Research group

1.Maussymbaeva Aliya Dumanovna – c.t.s PhD, senior lecturer of the department of G&MED,scientific consultant of the project

Scopus Author ID

Researcher ID



  1. PortnovVasily Sergeevich – d.s.c., professor of the department of G&MED, scientific consultant of the project

Scopus Author ID

Researcher ID


   List of publications

Monograph Published: The influence of the gas content of coal seams d1, d2, d6 on the efficiency of mining operations: Monograph/ Mausymbaeva A.D., Imanbayeva S.B., In Portnov.S., Filimonov E.N. – Karaganda: Kolibri print 2023 – 213c.

References 1 article in the publication CCES: Yurov V.M., Goncharenko V.I., Portnov V.S., Sha Mingun, Oleshko V.S., Rakhimova Zh.B., Rakhimov M.A., Rakhimova G.M., Maussymbaeva A.D. Anisotropy of surface energy of steel and nickel alloys in aviation. Technology of materials and mechanical Engineering, №1, 2023. pp.10-23; 1 article in the journal: Portnov V.S., Maussymbaeva A.D. Rare earth metals of coal. Scientific Aspect Journal, №11, 2023. ; 1 article in the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets: Maussymbaeva A.D. Explosion hazard of coal seams. VII International Scientific Conference «Scientific achievements and innovative approaches», Tokyo. Japan, 2023. – pp. 54-57.

Information for potential users

Target consumers of the results obtained, including by subject composition: The enterprises of ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC, Industrial Energy Alliance LLP, TaldyKuduk-Gas LLP, KazTransGas JSC, coal mines of Shubarkol Komir JSC, Zhalyn mine, Saryarka-ENERGY LLP showed economic and industrial interest in the technology

Application area

The scientific effect is the creation of new devicesfor measuring the quality of mechanical engineering parts using electrochemical analysisand definitionswear of coatings.

The social effect from the implementation of the Project includes the training of qualified personnel from among young people and, ultimately, increasing the intellectual potential of the country.

Economic effectfrom the implementation of the Project consists of various indicators: a significant reduction in unplanned costs due to failure and technological downtime of equipment and equipment of nuclear and thermal power plants, mining, engineering and metallurgical production, an increase in labor productivity and a reduction in labor intensity, due to the introduction of modern technologies, a reduction in material intensity and production costs, profit growth and profitability.


AR14972815 «Investigation of the geomechanical situation in unstable massifs with the choice and justification of the technology of fastening preparatory workings» s.w. Matayev A.K.


Relevance Serpentinites and dunites are widely developed in the Khromtau deposit mine zone. In pyroxene dunites, serpentinite is less common. The named types of rocks extend to a depth of 35÷110 m from the Earth’s surface. The maximum value of the degree of drying is observed at a depth of 10-20 m. Here the rocks were formed by fine-grained rocks and turned into a clay mass.

Based on laboratory studies, four main engineering-geological complexes of the rock were identified [8,9,12].

– a complex of ground carbonate, fine-grained serpentinites, with low rock strength (Rсж=15.2 MPa, Rp=1.3 MPa, strength coefficient on the Protodyakonov scale f=2÷3, drilling category III), which is typical in the upper part of the deposit [1, 13].

– a complex of serpentinized dunites: less crack-resistant dunite is strong (Rсж=55.3 MPa, Rp=4.3 MPa, strength coefficient on the Protodyakonov scale f=9, Drilling Category VII); root mean square dunite is represented by rocks of medium strength (RSZh=27.1 MPa, Rp=3.1 MPa, strength coefficient on the Protodyakonov scale f=8, Drilling Category VII);=14.3 MPa, RP=1.5 MPa, reinforcement coefficient according to the Protodyakonov scale F=6, category t of byudunites refers to strong rocks (Rсж=64.5 MPa, Rp=4.5 MPa, strength coefficient according to the Protodyakonov scale f=9, Drilling category VII); mid-season dunite – rocks of medium strength (Rсж=35.1 MPa, Rp=2.7 MPa, strength coefficient on the Protodyakonov scale f=8, Drilling category VII); super-strong – low-strength rocks (Rсж=17.1 MPa, RP=1.6 MPa, F=6 on the Protodyakonov scale, drilling category VI);

– complex of serpentinized peridotites: rocks with low tensile strength (Rсж=58.1 MPa, Rp=4.7 MPa, according to the Protodyakonov scale f=8, Drilling category VII); medium-strength rocks (RSZh=29.1 MPa, Rp=2.7 MPa, according to the Protodyakonov scale f=8, Drilling category VII); rocks of super-tensile strength (Rсж=8.0 MPa, RP=0.8 MPa, F=2 on the Protodyakonov scale, drilling category III) [7].

With increasing depth, the strength of the rock increases. The compressive strength of low-tonnage rocks and ores at great depths varies to a value of 60÷120 MPa.

According to geological data, the main ore deposit is mainly represented by continuous and densely disseminated ores, and the rocks at the deposit are represented by varying degrees of serpentinized pyroxene-free dunites, pyroxene dunites and peridotites.

Objective of the project

The purpose of the work is to predict the stress-strain state (SSS) in the rock mass within the boundaries of the influence of cleaning work on the mountains. -480 m when using the development system, also make a calculation of the bearing capacity of the types of support used at the Khromtau mine.

Expected results

As a result of the project implementation the following will be completed:

– analysis of mining-geological and mining-technical conditions of mine development, analysis of methods for determining the stress-strain state, as well as numerical analysis of the stress-strain state of the rock mass;

– predictive assessment of the stress-strain state of the massif, which is based on the use of effective numerical methods and makes it possible to increase the reliability of the forecast of the “mining-geomechanical” situation at the excavation site.

– calculation of loads on the support of workings in the host rocks and in the ore mass and calculation of the bearing capacity of the types of support used in the mine based on numerical analysis;

  1. At least 2 (two) articles will be published in journals from the first three quartiles by impact factor in the Web of Science database or having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 50.
  2. At least 2 articles and/or reviews will be published in peer-reviewed foreign and/or domestic publications recommended by CCES.
  3. It is planned to obtain 1 patent from the Kazakhstan Patent Office.
  4. The research results will be used in the preparation of 1 PhD theses, educational and methodological complexes in the discipline «Construction of mining enterprises» of the educational program 6B07202 «Mining», «Geoinformation systems in mining» of the educational program 7M07202 «Mining».

Figure 1 – Research in mine conditions

Figure -2 Internship Poland, Krakow

Research group

  1. Matayev Azamat Kalizhanuly – scientific supervisor, PhD, teacher of the Department DMDD

Researcher ID D-3766-2019

ORCID – 0000-0001-9033-8002

Scopus Author ID – 57219561578

  1. Abeuov Erkebulan Aytuganovich – scientific consultant, c.t.s., associate professor of the department DMDD

Hirsch index – 2,

ORCID – 0000-0002-6420-565X

Scopus Author ID – 57222604289

List of publications for 2023

1 RK patent for utility model № 8583 received: Matayev A.K., Mussin A.A., Imashev A.Zh., Zhunusbekova G.Zh., Suimbayeva A.M., Abeuov E.A. «Method of securing mine workings»

Information for potential users

Achieving the design parameters of mine workings will reduce the volume of transportation of excess rock mass, the specific consumption of explosives, materials for fastening, stabilize the geomechanical state of the rock mass and increase the safety of mining operations.

Date of information update 24.01.2024 у.
