Information of young scientists for Zhas Galym-1 project for 2022-2024

AP13268891 “Development of effective technological schemes for the extraction of low-power deposits, ensuring a reduction in ore dilution, taking into account the geomechanical state of the rock mass” project manager Suimbaeva A.M.


The relevance of the problem of creating technological schemes for optimizing the parameters of drilling and blasting operations (DBO), ensuring a reduction in ore dilution, taking into account the geomechanical state of the rock mass when breaking low-power ore bodies with highly fractured stable host rocks, has always been an important task in the mining industry. Optimization of DBO parameters based on a complex of geotechnical works can be the answer to the question of how to reduce costs and increase the efficiency of tunneling and clean-up operations while maintaining the high quality of the extracted useful component.

The aim of the project

The aim of the project is to conduct geotechnological studies on zoning of the deposit sites by rating of rock stability according to the geological strength index to develop optimal passports for drilling and blasting operations for the extraction of low-power ore bodies, depending on their capacity, ensuring a reduction in ore dilution.

Expected and achieved results

As a result of the project, optimal passports of drilling and blasting operations will be developed to reduce the dilution of ore during the breaking of low-power ore bodies based on the results of a complex of geotechnological (mine and laboratory) studies, including testing of rock samples for uniaxial compression, determining the quality of rocks RQD, surveying rock fracturing, accounting for lithology, waterlogging of rocks rocks and zoning of deposit sites according to the geological strength index (GSI). The adaptation of the most effectively used rating indicators of stability to the mining and geological conditions of the Zholymbet deposit and the zoning of the field sites according to the category of stability has been carried out.

A geotechnical block model has been created to assess the geomechanical state of the rock mass around the stope, taking into account the influence of the quality of blasting operations and the geological strength index.

  1. 2 articles with a percentile in the Scopus database of at least 50 will be published in journals.
  2. 1 article was published and 2 more articles will be published in editions approved by the CQAFSHE.
  3. 1 monograph will be published in a domestic publishing house.
  4. An application for 1 patent has been filed with the Kazakhstan Patent Office, 2 certificates of entering information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright

have been received.

  1. An act of introduction into production on the use of optimized drilling and blasting passports will be received.
  2. A web page will be created on the university’s website, which will contain brief information about the project, the results obtained, information about the project participants, etc.

Research group

  1. Suimbaeva Aigerim Maratovna – project manager, senior researcher at KazMIRR, senior lecturer at the MA&OS Department.

Hirsch index – 1,

Researcher ID – AAC-8234-2022

ORCID – 0000-0001-6582-9977

Scopus Author ID – 57204776922

  1. Imashev Askar Zhanbolatovich – scientific consultant, PhD, Associate professor of the MA&OS Department.

Hirsch index – 2,

Researcher ID – ABC-2138-2021

ORCID – 0000-0002-9799-8115

Scopus Author ID – 57204153972

List of publications for 2023:

  1. Zhunusbekova G., Suimbaeva A.M., Imashev A., Kazakov A. Analyzing strength criteria for assessing mine working stability / University Proceedings, 2022. №3(88). С.159-165.
  2. Salkynov A., Rymkulova A., Suimbaeva A., Zeitinova S. Research into deformation processes in the rock mass surrounding the stoping face when mining sloping ore deposits / Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2023, 17(2), Р. 82-90
  3. Suimbaeva A.M., Imashev A.Zh., Mussin A.A., Mussin R.A., Matayev A.K., Suleimenov N.M. Method for determining ore dilution during mining of low-power deposits / Application for a patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a utility model / Registration No. 2023/0598.2, filing date 02.06.2023.
  4. Suimbaeva A.M., Zhunusbekova G.Zh., Imashev A.Zh. Analysis of strength criteria for assessing the stability of mine workings / Certificate of entry of information into the State Register of Rights to objects protected by Copyright No. 29648 dated October 21, 2022.
  5. Suimbaeva A.M., Imashev A.Zh., Mussin A.A. Improving the quality of blasting indicators by studying the natural stress field and the impact of the blast force on the rock mass / Certificate of entry of information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 35437 dated May 4, 2023.

Information for potential users

The passports of drilling and blasting operations will work for minimal seismic impact on the structured rock mass, which in turn will reduce the dilution of ore to the design indicator. Decrease in dilution of ore will reduce the volume of transportation of excess rock mass, stabilize the geomechanical state of the rock mass and improve the safety of mining operations.

Scope of application

Mining companies that develop fields of low-power ore deposits.


AP13268843 “Study of oil and gas potential of the pre-Mesozoic complex of the Aryskum trough of the South Torgai basin” project manager Madisheva R.K.


In the Aryskum trough, oil and gas deposits are confined mainly in Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments, as well as Devonian-Lower Carboniferous formations of a quasi-platform complex and disintegrated protrusions of the foundation. Currently, there are 52 oil and gas fields, the depletion of the initial recoverable reserves of which is quite high. Ingress of oil and gas of pre-Mesozoic formations up to industrial oil inflows allow us to draw conclusions about the presence of a certain potential of oil-and-gas-bearing capacity in them. In this regard, the determination of the oil origin and the forecast of the direction of hydrocarbon migration is relevant for the justification of deep drilling, in order to replenish the mineral resource base of the country.

The aim of the project

Genetic typing of hydrocarbons, determination of fluid communication of structures and determination of the direction of migration based on the results of biomarker analysis and fingerprinting of oil fields of the Aryskum trough of the South Torgai oil and gas basin.

Expected and achieved results

The results of the analysis of new data on the geochemistry of hydrocarbons in the South Torgai basin allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

  1. According to the results of pyrolytic core analysis, which allows to assess the generative potential of the oil-producing rock, it was found that the studied samples according to the ТОС concentration (from 0.47 to 1.41), as well as according to the parameter S2 (from 1.1 to 9 mg of HC/g of rock) have a potential from bad (poor) to good (rich) one,
  2. The determination of the type of kerogen according to the TOC dependency graph on the hydrocarbon potential showed that the vast majority of the studied samples belong to type II and type III kerogen, and only a sample from a depth of 1897.36 m, with maximum TOC and S2, is in the range of type I kerogen. Characteristics of kerogen and the initial organic matter according to pyrolytic parameters HI, Tmax are attributed to type II-III kerogen, presumably with the generation of oil and gas and type I kerogen with probable oil generation.

The hydrogen and oxygen indices HI and OI of the studied samples, which make it possible to determine the facies-genetic types of organic matter, indicate a predominantly humus origin and less often humus-sapropel, which allows us to conclude that the organic matter of the studied samples accumulated in moderately reducing conditions (type III and II kerogen) and coastal-marine environment (type I kerogen).

  1. According to the Pr/Ph value, the initial organic matter producing oil of the Akshabulak graben-syncline was formed under sub-oxidizing conditions, while the organic matter of the Aksai horst-anticline and the Bosingen graben-syncline was formed in an oxidizing environment.

An increased content of gammaceran, indicating a higher salinity of the basin area, was noted for the initial organic matter of the oils of the Aksai horst-anticline. The formation of the initial oil-producing substance of oils from Cretaceous sediments deposited, apparently in marine, possibly shallow water conditions, has been established.

  1. The isotopic composition of carbon of the δ13C oils allowed us to assume a genetic relationship of the studied samples of Aryskum deflection oils with sapropel-type organic matter (type I and II kerogen), as well as their formation from organic matter of mixed humus-sapropel type.

The results of the presented geochemical studies indicate the possibility of forecasting new zones of oil and gas accumulation in the sediments of the Lower and Middle Jurassic, which occupy significant volumes of sedimentary filling of grabens-synclines, which in turn allows expanding the representation of the hydrocarbon potential of these deposits in the context of the South Torgai basin.


Figure 1 – KMG Engineering Laboratory – conducting geochemical analysis and gas chromatography to determine the hydrocarbon composition of oil.


Figure 2 – Aryskum trough of the South Torgai basin. Tectonic scheme of the South Turgai depression [6]. 1 – oil and gas–bearing territories; 2 – oil and gas–promising territories; 3 – paraclase; 4 – oil fields; 5 – the Syrdarya River; 6 – graben-synclines..
Figure 3 – Geological profile of the South Torgai basin [8]. Legend: J1 – Lower Jurassic, J2 – Middle Jurassic, J3 – Upper Jurassic, K1a-al – Lower Cretaceous, K2 – Upper Cretaceous, Pz – Paleozoic, PR – Proterozoic, D3-C1 – Upper Devonian-Lower Carboniferous.
  1. Madisheva Rima Kopbosynkyzy -project manager, PhD, Senior researcher at KazMIRR, Acting Associate Professor of the G&MED Department

Hirsch Index – 1

ResearcherID: M-3883-2014

Scopus Author ID: 57216301476

  1. Portnov Vasily Sergeevich scientific consultant, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the G&MED Department.
  2. Madisheva R.K., Portnov V.S. On the oil and gas potential of the Aryskum trough of the South Torgai sedimentary basin // Oil and gas. 5 (131). 2022. pp. 26-37.
  3. K. Madisheva, V.S. Portnov, A.N. Esendosova. Oil and gas potential of the Aryskum trough of the South Torgay sedimentary basin // Innovative approaches in modern science. – No. 14 (122). – Moscow: 2022. – pp. 5-10.


Information for potential users

The experimental data obtained and the conclusions drawn from them can be used to trace the migration routes of hydrocarbons and predict the scale of oil and gas accumulations in this region.


AP13268841 “Development of technology for maintenance of preparatory mine workings for conditions of coal mines” project manager Zhumabekova A.Ye.


The relevance lies in providing sound technological solutions for determining the parameters of the support for its effective operation and can be achieved by developing and implementing technology and tools with justification of the fastening parameters, taking into account the stress-strain state of the host rocks, which will reduce labor and material costs during the operation of mining workings, as well as achieve a high technical and economic effect and improving the safety of underground mining operations.

            The aim of the project is to develop a technology for maintaining preparatory workings based on the control of the stress-strain state of the contiguous rock mass ahead of the treatment face.

Expected results

  1. At least 2 (two) articles will be published in journals from the first three quartiles by impact factor in the Web of Science database or having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 50.
  2. At least 2 scientific articles will be published in journals included in the CQAEC, RSCI database.
  3. Monographs in English will be published in domestic publishing house.
  4. It is planned to obtain 1 patent in the Kazakhstan patent office, 1 certificate of registration of copyright objects.
  5. An act of implementation for technological developments will be received.
  6. A web page will be created on the university’s website, which will contain brief information about the project, the results obtained, information about the project participants, etc.
  7. The results of the research will be used in the preparation of educational and methodological materials for the specialty “Mining” of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students.

Achieved results

  1. Ussenbekov M.S., Issabek T.K., Polchin A.I., *Zhumabekova A.Ye., Dynamics of methane release during mining operations in zones of geological disturbances, “Mining information and Analytical Bulletin”, MIAB. Mining Information and Analytical Bulletin, 2022;(12):141-151. Engineering Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering rating #244/338, 27th UDC 622.8:614.8 DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2022_12_0_141
  2. *Zhumabekova A., Demin V., Abeuov E., Tanekeyeva G. “Mine workings supporting technologies on stress and strain state control basis”, “Scientific, Technical and Production “Mining Journal of Kazakhstan” #1, 2023, pp. 40-47
  3. Zhumabekova A.Ye., Demin V.F. “Mine workings supporting technologies on stress and strain state control basis”, SIS of 08.06.2023.
  4. Issabek T., Ussenbekov M., *Zhumabekova A. Gas control in mines of the Karaganda basin (republic of Kazakhstan), a collective scientific monograph on the topic: “The main directions of integrated innovative scientific and technological development of mining regions”, published in English by the European publishing house, DOI: 10.31713/m1208


Figure 1 – Visiting as part of research workпо проекту рудника according to the project of the “Nurkazgan” mine of Kazakhmys Corporation LLP


Figure 2 – Carrying out research work within the framework of the project at the Tusup Kuzembayev mine of JSC CD “Arcelor Mittal Temirtau”


Figure 3 – Familiarization with the work of the Karaganda Foundry and Machine-building Plant in the framework of research work on the project


Research group

  • Zhumabekova Ayla Yermekovna – project manager, PhD, senior researcher at KazMIRR, senior lecturer at the DMDD Department.

Hirsch Index – 1

Author ID in Scopus: 57209741110

Researcher ID Web of Science: AAA-6811-2022

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1501-5382

Researcher ID in Publons: AAA-6811-2022


  • Demin Vladimir Fedorovich – scientific consultant, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the DMDD Department.

Hirsch Index – 3

Author ID in Scopus: 57212219714

Researcher ID Web of Science: AAD-7143-2022

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1718-856X

Researcher ID in Publons: AAD-7143-2022


List of publications for 2023.

Publications of the scientific supervisor and members of the research group:

  1. Usenbekov M.S., Issabek T.K., Polchin A.I., *Zhumabekova A.Ye., Dynamics of methane release during mining operations in areas of geological disturbances, “Mining Information and Analytical Bulletin”, MIAB, 2022;(12):141-151. Engineering Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering rating #244/338, 27th percentile. UDC 622.8:614.8 DOI: 10.25018/0236_1493_2022_12_0_141
  2. *Zhumabekova A., Demin V., Abeuov E., Tanekeyeva G. “Mine workings supporting technologies on stress and strain state control basis”, “Scientific, Technical and Production “Mining Journal of Kazakhstan” #1, 2023, pp. 40-47
  3. Zhumabekova A.Ye., Demin V.F. “Mine workings supporting technologies on stress and strain state control basis”, SIS of 08.06.2023.
  4. Issabek T., Ussenbekov M., *Zhumabekova A. Gas control in mines of the Karaganda basin (republic of Kazakhstan), a collective scientific monograph on the topic: “The main directions of integrated innovative scientific and technological development of mining regions”, published in English by the European publishing house, DOI: 10.31713/m1208

Information for potential users

Underground mine workings at the mines of the Karaganda coal basin are in an unstable state (by displacements of the roof, soil and sides), are maintained with significant material costs and labor intensity of work, which follows from the lack of justification for the compliance of the parameters of their fastening with the operating conditions in the specified mining, geological, technical and production conditions. Making sound technological decisions to determine the parameters of the support and effective operation requires a geomechanical predictive assessment of the deformed state of the rocks of the enclosing rock mass around the perimeter of the mine workings. The development and implementation of technology and tools with the justification of the parameters of their fastening, taking into account the stress-strain state of the host rocks, will reduce labor costs and material costs during the operation of underground mine workings.

To date, one of the current directions of the coal industry development is the development and testing of technological resource-saving methods and active means of fixing workings with stabilization of the mountain range to achieve a high technical and economic effect and improve the safety of mining operations.

Scope of application

Coal mining industries with the extension of the obtained scientific and technical potential to underground mining enterprises.


AP13268798 “Development and industrial approbation of technological schemes for strengthening the weakened zone of rocks at the intersection of geological disturbance by preparatory mining” project manager Khalikova E.R.



Due to the increasing depth of development of mineral deposits, mining and geological conditions are constantly deteriorating.

Increasing the stability of mine workings is one of the most important tasks in the underground development of mineral deposits.

The unsatisfactory condition of mine workings causes indirect financial and labor costs that are difficult to take into account, and also has a negative impact on a number of processes related to coal extraction technology (transport, ventilation, drainage, etc.). Therefore, the problem of the stability of mine workings remains one of the most relevant and determining the efficiency of coal mines in various basins of the country.

The prospect of the development of the presented scientific direction for underground work in the coal industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan currently depends on the use of the results of scientific and applied research and pilot testing at the coal mines of the Karaganda basin. Therefore, pilot testing and commercialization of Kazakhstan’s technology to prevent collapses of the massif in the areas of increased displacement due to various kinds of violations of the occurrence of host rocks during underground workings based on numerical modeling of the stress-strain state of the rock mass is an urgent task in the field of mining in various mining conditions of preparation and schemes of mining coal seams.


Project goal

Development of technological schemes for strengthening the weakened zone of rocks at the intersection of geological disturbance by preparatory workings, providing increased stability of rocks surrounding the workings.

Expected results

As a result of the project, the following will be developed and (or) was developed

  1. At least 2 (two) articles will be published in journals from the first three quartiles by impact factor in the Web of Science database or having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 50.
  2. At least 2 scientific articles will be published in journals included in the CQAFSHE, RSCI database.
  3. Monographs in English will be published in domestic publishing house.
  4. It is planned to obtain 1 patent in the Kazakhstan patent office, 1 certificate of registration of copyright objects.
  5. An act of implementation for technological developments will be received.
  6. A web page will be created on the university’s website, which will contain brief information about the project, the results obtained, information about the project participants, etc.
  7. The results of the research will be used in the preparation of educational and methodological materials for the specialty “Mining” of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students.
а) б)
а – drilling of the hole (well) with the drilling rig “Super Turbo”; b – installation in the hole in the roof of the rope anchor

Figure 1 – Installation of rope anchors during pilot tests

а) б)
а – the upper part is installed; b – the lower part is screwed

Figure 2 – Installation of composite anchors during pilot tests


Figure 3 – Research work within the framework of the project at industrial enterprises of the Karaganda region


Research group

  1. Khalikova Elvira Ravilovna – project manager, PhD, Senior researcher of KazMIRR, senior lecturer of the DMDD Department.

Hirsch Index – 1. Author ID in Scopus: 57212216553

Researcher ID Web of Science: ABE-4117-2021

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1501-8492

Researcher ID in Publons: ABE-4117-2021

  1. Demin Vladimir Fedorovich – scientific consultant., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the DMDD Department.

Hirsch Index – 3. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1718-856X

Author ID in Scopus: 57212219714

Researcher ID Web of Science: AAD-7143-2022

Researcher ID in Publons: AAD-7143-2022


List of publications for 2023

  1. Zholmagambetov, N., Khalikova, E., Demin, V., Balabas, A., Abdrashev, R., & Suiintayeva, S. (2023). Ensuring a safe geomechanical state of the rock mass surrounding the mine workings in the Karaganda coal basin, Kazakhstan. Mining of Mineral Deposits, 17(1), 74-83.
  2. E.R. Khalikova, V.F. Diomin, R.A. Mussin, A.P. Krakovsky, U.Zh. Khanafin. Monitoring of the stress-strain state during preparatory workings. Комплексное использование минерального сырья. 2023. No.1. 68-75.
  3. Patent of RK No. 7955 Rope anchor/ Khalikova E.R., Demin V.F., Issakov B.K., Zhumabekova A.Ye., Demina T.V., Abdrakhman E.A., Tanekeeva G.D., Balabas A.Yu.; publ. 14.04.2023

Information for potential users

As a result of the project implementation, there will be developed the technological schemes for installing the designed support, ensuring a reduction in the cost of maintaining workings in a disturbed mountain massif, commensurate in amplitude with the removed reservoir capacity, while motivating work to improve the safety and efficiency of coal mining in the mines of the Karaganda basin.

Scope of application

Coal mining operations of the coal industry with the spread of the obtained scientific and technical potential to underground mining enterprises.
