Information of the state budget funding projects of young scientists for 2022-2024

АР13067779 Study of mineralogical and geochemical features of sediments of Karaganda coal basin for the purpose of identification of products of explosive volcanism in coals s.w. Kopobaeva A.N.

Due to the rapidly growing needs of the energy industry worldwide, coal and its combustion products can be potential targets for impurity elements, including REE. However, the enrichment mechanisms and economic valuation of industrial utilization of impurity elements in coal are still unclear. Thus, understanding the origin, enrichment mechanisms, and industrial utilization value of these critical elements is of important strategic importance. Elements such as lithium, rare earth elements, and yttrium occupy an important strategic position in renewable energy, information technology, aerospace, and other emerging strategic industries. In the process of peat accumulation and at various stages of metamorphism, coals are significantly enriched with impurity elements, including REE, these elements, to a large extent, remain in the ash due to their low volatility in the combustion process.

The Karaganda coal basin is the main source of energy resources for Central Kazakhstan and neighboring regions and is the largest in the country. The importance of trace elements in coal is increasingly recognized not only because of their environmental impact, but also as a potential source of critical elements. Impurity elements in the coals of the Karaganda coal basin were studied in the last century during exploration works using optical spectrograph for semi-quantitative analysis of a limited number of elements. Therefore, at present there is a need for a comprehensive analysis of a larger number of samples, giving a more complete coverage of information on the patterns of distribution of element-impurities in coal. An additional impetus for the present study is the fact that in recent decades many deposits of Ge, Li, Sc, lanthanides and other critical metals have been discovered and associated with coal deposits in many countries.

This project is aimed at assessment of geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of coals of Karaganda coal basin on the basis of modern analytical data; study of the nature of accumulation, determination of possible sources of element-impurities in coals.

The relevance of this work is that the study is aimed at the establishment and identification of geological factors affecting the accumulation of impurity elements in coal. The paper presents new data on geochemistry and mineralogy of Karaganda basin, based on the analysis of data obtained by modern methods (ICP-MS, ICP-OES, SEM) as well as their processing and interpretation.

The aim of the project is to study the mineralogical and geochemical features of pyroclastics in Carboniferous coals and to evaluate the effect of pyroclastics on rare metal content as a source of rare metals.

Expected and achieved results:

During the working trip to Vladivostok, Russia, the project executors Amangeldikyzy A. and Blyalova G. visited the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Far Eastern Geological Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FEGI FEB RAS) and conducted research to determine the content of impurity elements, as well as to study the morphology and forms of REEs in the coals of seam k7 of the Karaganda coal basin.


Figure 1 – Amangeldikizyzy Altynay, responsible executor of the project, during a working visit to the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok.

The following scientific results were obtained during the project phases for 2022 – 2023 (through December):- using a modern integrated approach consisting of mineralogical and geochemical analysis of coals, a wide range of trace elements was studied in 120 samples of coal and contacts of coal and clay interlayers (hereinafter referred to as CI) and 50 samples of CI of the k7 seam, which is currently being developed and is available for study; 13 samples were also studied on a scanning electron microscope.Analytical scanning electron microscopy in combination with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy revealed a very significant accumulation of zirconium in the coals located near the clay interlayers in direct contact with them (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 ̶ Zircon grains in coal samples (a,b) in clay interlayers (c)


Research Team:

  1. Kopobaeva Aiman Nygmetovna (25.05.1987) – Scientific Supervisor, PhD, Acting Associate Professor of the Department of G&ME. Scopus Author ID: 57208583785, ResearcherID: X-7308-2018, ORCID: 0000-0002-0601-9365. (Participates in the selection and justification of rational research direction, analysis and interpretation of geochemical data, evaluation of petrochemical materials, geological data).
  2. Amangeldikyzy Altynai (25.10.1991) – responsible executor, PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of G&ME. Scopus Author ID: 57208573495, Researcher ID: E-4878-2018, ORCID: 0000-0002-6665-8804. (Functions performed: organization and conduct of laboratory, microscopic studies, data analysis, preparation of publications based on research results. Participation is expected for the entire duration of the project).
  3. Soktoev Bulat Rinchinovich (26.08.1990) – executor, candidate of geological-mineralogical sciences, associate professor of NS TPU (Russia). Scopus Author ID: – 56646525800, Researcher ID: AAG-6805-2020, ORCID: 0000-0002-4102-4282. (Functions performed: preparation of publications based on the project results, analyzing and processing the results of analytical studies, interpretation of geochemical data)
  4. Askarova Nazym Srazhadinkyzy (07.06.1990) – executor, PhD, lecturer of G&ME department. Scopus Author ID: 57208580562, ORCID: 0000-0002-2103-6198, Researcher ID: X-7261-2018. (Functions performed: Perform computer-aided geologic and tectonic mapping and data analysis, and prepare publications based on project results. Participation is expected for the duration of the project.).
  5. Blyalova Gulim Galymzhanovna (13.04.1991) – performer, m.t.s., doctoral student of gr. GR D-21 of G&ME department. Scopus Author ID: 57431098000, Researcher ID: GVV-7603-2022, ORCID: 0000-0001-8801-8683 (Performed functions: preparation of geologic maps, sections; performance of computer works; collection and interpretation of data; preparation of publications on the topic of research. Participation is expected for the entire duration of the project).
  6. Zhumagulov Sanabi Ermekuly (12.02.1994) – performer, master student of GRM-22-2, GRMPI department. (Performed functions: processing of mineralogical, geochemical data, preparation of publications on the results of the project, preparation of publications on the results of the project. Participation is assumed for the whole term of the project).
  7. Bakyt Aigerim (02.03.1998) – executor, M.Sc. in engineering, Geotek LLP geologist. Research ID: ABF-3573-2021, ORCID: 0000-0003-0661-310X. (Functions performed: computer processing of geochemical data, construction of petrochemical modules and their interpretation. Participation is expected for the entire duration of the project).
  8. Kaztaev Ermurat Muratovich (11.03.1999) – Executive, M.Sc in engineering, Geologist of Kazakhmys Barlau LLP. Researcher ID: AEZ-7901-2022, ORCID: 0000-0002-9725-270. (Functions performed: construction of graphs and diagrams, mathematical calculations, preparation of geological maps, sections; performance of computer works. Participation is expected for the entire duration of the project).


         Publication list for 2023:

In the course of the Project, 2 articles were published in journals included in the CQASE, database, 2 security documents (RIS) were received:

–     Kopobayeva A.N., Amangeldykyzy A., Askarova N.S., Blyalova G.G. “Study of the distribution of impurity elements in coals and clay layers of the karaganda coal basin”, Proceedings of the University, No. 3, 2023. – С. 151-156;
  • Amangeldikyzy A., Kopobayeva A.N., Blyalova G.G., Askarova N.S. Geochemical Speciation of Coals in the Karaganda Coal Basin. Gornyi Zhurnal Kazakhstan, No.7, 2023 p.15-20;
  • Amangeldikyzy A., Kopobaeva A.N., Blyalova G.G., Askarova N.S. No. 37740 dated 1.07.2023;
  • Amangeldikyzy A., Kopobaeva A.N., Blyalova G.G., Askarova N.S. No. 37592 dated 29.06.2023.

Date of information update 24.01.2024 у.
