The “Foreign Languages” Department of Abylkas Saginov Technical University held a master class on the topic: “The history of Independence through the eyes of modern youth”

More than 40 first-year students, as well as teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages took part in the master class.

The purpose of the master class was the patriotic education of future specialists within the framework of the implementation of the national project “Ulttyk rukhani zhangyru”.

Tasks: to promote the development of cognitive activity, intelligence, and expanding horizons of students; to raise the national self-awareness, tolerance.

Independence Day is a significant date and the main national holiday in Kazakhstan.

During the master class, students worked with associations, filled out clusters, got acquainted with the biographies of participants of December events of 1986, took part in a quiz, which made it possible to once again recall significant dates, people, laws and historical moments of the path of independence. Also, students were involved in task-based contests (contests based on tasks): a team drawing contest “The history of Independence”, where students drew the history of independence of our country according to their vision, and also presented their works, justifying the plot of their drawings. In another team creative project “How we see the future of Independent Kazakhstan”, students discussed how they see the future of Independent Kazakhstan, as well as what contribution they can make to the bright future of the country, which gave students the opportunity to develop flexibility of thought, creativity, imagination and the ability to finding solutions.

The future of the country is always in the hands of the younger generation. Therefore, it is our duty to motivate young people to make every possible effort for making our country better, more progressive, more successful. One of the main motives for celebrating Independence Day is to make our youth conscious. Independence Day generates a sense of patriotism in people. It unites people and makes them feel that we are a single country with a variety of languages, religions and cultural values.
