Career guidance for students of school № 17 dated March 15, 2022

15.03.2022 at 10:00, manager for prof. orientation work of the Department of Technology and Communication Systems – Gavrilova M.A., acting the head of the Department of Technology and Communication Systems- Kaliaskarov N.B., and the teacher of the Department of Technology and Communication Systems Zhumambetova M.A. A career guidance meeting was held with students of secondary school № 17.

The meeting was organized for graduates of 11 classes, the Russian-speaking class (20 people) and the Kazakh-speaking class (12 people).

The students were provided with information slides, told about the educational program “Communications and Communication Technologies”.

A video was also shown about the Department of Technology and Communication Systemsand about the educational program, information was provided on the organization of the educational process and the structure of the university.

A dialogue was organized in the form of a question-answer.
