
imageOgoltsova Elena Gennadievna

The Ph.D., senior teacher of chair «History of Kazakhstan», a member of the European Academy of natural sciences.
In 1995 she graduated from the KSU EA Buketov specialty “History”, qualification “teacher of history and social and political sciences.” In the Karaganda State Technical University since 2007 (at the Department of “History of Kazakhstan since 2008). In 2012, on the basis of the Omsk State Pedagogical University (Russia) defended her thesis on “Pedagogical conditions of vocational training of students of a technical college in the study of the humanities” (specialty code 13.00.08).
3 teaching aids:
– Methods for vocational training // Karaganda. – 2014.
– Psychology // Karaganda. – 2014.
– Business Communications // Karaganda. – 2015.






Saule Dyusetaevna Shaimukhanova
Сandidate of historical sciences, “The History of Kazakhstan” department professor. In 1975 she graduated from the Karaganda State University named after Ye.А.Buketov with the specialization in the History and the qualification of the Teacher of History and Social Science. There are 100 scientific and academic issues and 3 monographes published.
The field of research is national history, the history of Kazakhstan Republic in the section of political repressions and deportations.


Daniyarova Ainagul Esimseitovna

Candidate of historical science, associate professor of chair of “History of Kazakhstan”

In 1995 she was successfully graduated from KarSU of Buketov majoring in “History” with qualification of “teacher of history and social-political disciplines”.

There are 70 scientific works that are published by her. She is in charge of SMQ of “History of Kazakhstan”

The sphere of scientific explorations is actual problems of the Newest History of Kazakhstan.


Suleymenova Mashakar Junusovna
Candidate of historical science, associate professor of chair of “History of Kazakhstan”
In 1975 year graduated from KarSU of Buketov majoring in “History” with qualification of “teaher of history and sciences”. There are 60 scientific works that are published by her. Published text-books of “History of Kazakhstan” on State and Russian languages (authorship with teachers).
The sphere of scientific explorations – is actual problems of the Newest History of Kazakhstan.





Tleugabylova Kair Samigullovna
The senior teacher of chair «History of Kazakhstan». In 1987 she was graduated from KarSU of Buketov majoring in «History» with qualification of «teacher of history and social science disciplines».
There are about 40 scientific works that are published by her. She is responsible for Scientific research work of students of «History of Kazakhstan»
The sphere of scientific explorations is actual problems of the Newest History of Kazakhstan.



Nurligenova Zauresh Nurkenovna

Is lecturer in “History of Kazakhstan”. She graduated from Karaganda State University named E.A. Buketov specialty “World History”.




Нугман Бахредден Габдылбакиулы

Candidateof philosophical sciences, senior teacher of the department“History of Kazakhstan”. In 2004 he took past in the profect “International Expedition Great Silk Route – trip to fatherland” organized by Almaty region Akimat.



Abdrahmanova Ardak Amanbekovna

The senior teacher of chair «History of Kazakhstan». In 2001 she graduated from KarSU of Buketov majoring in «History» with qualification of «teacher of history and social science disciplines».





Makalakov Talgat Zhakenovich

Senior Teacher of the department “History of Kazakhstan”. In 1999 he graduated from KarSU named by E.A. Buketov on speciality “History of Kazakhstan”, qualification “a Teacher of History and in Social-political Subjects”. He has been working in KarSTU since 2001. From september, 2010 he is full-filling duty for Basic High School.

Field of Scientific activity are problems of social-demographic development of the Central Kazakhstan Region.



_MG_0023 copyKasimova Saule Suyundykovna
Architecture and Construction Faculty
Scientific Degree – Candidate of Historical Sciences
Position – Senior Lecturer
BIOGRAPHY Kasimova Saule Suyundykovna was born in 24.11.1965, in Karkaralinsk district, Karaganda region. In the years 1980-1984 she studied in Saransk Pedagogical College where she was qualified as “primary school teachers.” In 1995 she graduated from KazNPU, Department of History, with the qualification “teacher of history.” In 1998-2010 she worked as a history teacher, deputy director for academic affairs in the regional specialized school for gifted children named after N. Nurmakov. In 2010 she defended her thesis on national history on “Socio-political and state activity S. Seifulin 1894-1938 gg.” Since 2010 she worked in KSTU: from 2010 to 2014 at the Department of Sociological and Humanitarian Disciplines as a teacher of “Sociology” and “Political Science” in 2015 at the Department of “History of Kazakhstan”.


Шолпан1071(1)Temirzhanova Sholpan Meyramovna

In 2005 entered KSU of E.A. Buketov and graduated in 2009, the specialty is 5B050203 – History.
In 2010 I entered the MA course which graduated in 2012, the specialty is 6M020800 -Archeology and Ethnology.
