Rules of internal code of conduct at the hostels of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University NPJSC

Department of Youth Policy

  1. General provisions 

1.1 These Rules of internal code of conduct at the hostels of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University (hereinafter referred to as the University) are a local regulatory act, implementation of which is obligatory for all the students living at student hostels, officials and employees of the University.

1.2 Checking of out-of-town students (students, master students, doctoral students, trainees) into the hostel of the University is made upon application in accordance with the state service standard “Provision of hostel for students at organizations of higher and (or) post-graduate education”.

1.3 When checking into the hostel, a Student and the University shall conclude an Agreement on residence at the hostel in 2 copies, of which 1 copy is kept by the administrator of the hostel, 1 copy by the student).

1.4 Residents enter the hostel by key cards and paper passes of the approved form.



  1. Rights and obligations of the hostel residents

2.1 Residents at the hostel have the right to the following:

2.1.1 Free use of educational, cultural-domestic and sports-recreational premises, equipment and inventory of the hostel during the day.

2.1.2 Use the premises of the educational, cultural and household purpose, equipment and inventory of the hostel at night in exceptional cases at the request of the student council and the permission of the administration.

2.1.3 Contact the administration of the hostel with requirements for correct operation of the electrical, heating, and water supply systems, timely repair and replacement of damaged furniture, inventory, and other property, the operation of which was disrupted through no resident’s fault.

2.1.4 Elect and be elected to self-management bodies of the hostel, to participate in their work.

2.1.5 Participate through the student council in solving issues of improvement of housing and household provision, organization of educational work and recreation, equipment and design of residential premises and classrooms for independent work.

2.2 When checking into the hostel, it is necessary:

2.2.1 To present an identity card.

2.2.2 To present a certificate of passing sanitary control (examination of pediculosis and scabies).

2.2.3 To submit a receipt for payment for accommodation at the hostel to the administration of the hostel and a copy to the dean’s office of your faculty (twice a year before the beginning of the academic term, in the autumn term until September 1: for the months of September, October, November, December and January, in spring term until February 1: for February, March, April, May, June; in exceptional cases, if needed, for the summer period (July, August). In the case of temporary residence at the hostel for reasons not dependent on the University, the resident is not exempted from paying for accommodation.

2.2.4 To be familiarized with the Rules of internal code of conduct.

2.2.5 To pass instruction on safety technology with familiarization under the drawing of the safety engineer.

2.2.6 To go through the temporary registration procedure within 10 calendar days.

2.2.7 To check in at the time indicated in the electronic direction for accommodation in the hostel.

2.3. Those living at the hostel are obliged to:

2.3.1 Observe the Charter, these Rules, other local acts of the University, Technical Safety Rules, and the terms of the Hostel Agreement.

2.3.2 Be careful with the premises, equipment and inventory of the hostel, bear material responsibility for the property transferred to him for personal use in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2.3.3 Reimburse the cost of damaged inventory and equipment, repair common premises, as well as reimburse other damages caused to the University.

2.3.4 Provide a proper appearance of the living room within 3 days before eviction from the hostel at the end of the academic year. If needed, make cosmetic repairs on their own and at their own expense.

2.3.5 Permit representatives of the University administration, members of student councils, hostel employees to inspect the technical condition of the residential premises, sanitary-technical and other equipment located in it. Inspection is carried out in the presence of residents.

When carrying out deratization and disinsection, as well as when it is necessary to carry out urgent repair or inspection of systems and equipment in order to eliminate the accident, hostel employees have the right to access the room during the absence of the residents of the commission, with preparation of the corresponding act. In exceptional cases (fire, emergency, terrorist threat, etc.), employees have the right of access to all premises of the hostel, at any time of the day, regardless of the presence/absence of those living in the premises.

2.3.6 When discovering malfunctions of the residential premises, equipment or communications located in it, immediately take possible measures to eliminate them and report them to the hostel administration without fail.

2.3.7 Maintain the proper sanitary and technical condition of the residential premises, carry out wet cleaning in the living rooms and common areas according to the established schedule. The scheduled cleanings are made by the floor elders under the leadership of the Student Council President and coordinated with the hostel administration.

2.3.8 Observe sanitary-epidemiological rules and norms, including changing bed linen (duvet, sheet and pillowcase) according to pollution but at least once every 10 days.

2.3.9 Use electricity and water economically.

2.3.10 Know and strictly follow fire safety rules and instructions for using household electrical appliances.

2.3.11 Enter the hostel no later than 22:00 hours in winter (from October 1 to March 31), in the rest of the time no later than 23:00 hours.

2.3.12 When parents and relatives visiting, they must present documents certifying their identity. Visiting is permitted during the day from 09:00 to 19:00.

23.13 Observe silence at night from 22:00 hours to 09:00 hours (in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Administrative Offenses”).

2.3.14 Notify the hostel administration of absence from the hostel at night or for the period of more than 1 day.

2.3.15 Fulfill the instructions of the administration of the University, members of the student councils and administration of the hostel, who have the right to submit a petition for the application of disciplinary sanctions for violation of the internal rules of the hostel.

2.3.16 Attend meetings held at the hostels.

2.3.17 View daily information on the bulletin board.

2.3.18 Timely return the keys of the educational and cultural and household premises to the hostel reception.

2.3.19 According to the Agreement on living at the hostel, upon eviction, including during the vacation period, turn in the rooms and all the bedding belonging to them.

2.3.20 In case of detecting diseases that pose a threat to the health of other residents, contact the medical center and inform the hostel administration.

2.3.21 Ensure independently the safety of personal belongings. The administration is not responsible for the safety of the hostel residents.

2.3.22 If necessary, make a duplicate of the room and block keys with returning the spare set of keys to the hostel administration within 2 days.

2.3.23 Relocate to another room or hostel in order to rationally use places at the hostels, as well as if it is necessary to carry out repairs or replacement of equipment.

2.4 Residents of hostels are prohibited from:

2.4.1 Transferring their passes to outsiders and leaving them overnight.

2.4.2 Drinking alcoholic beverages and/or appearing in the state of alcoholic, narcotic or other toxic intoxication.

2.4.3 Using narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances (without a doctor’s prescription), or consuming other intoxicating substances, as well as storing, distributing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances.

2.4.4 Carrying weapons, including pneumatic, traumatic and cold, explosive, chemically dangerous substances, into the territory, storing and/or using them in residential premises and in the territory of the hostel.

2.4.5 Conducting meetings of a religious nature and events prohibited by the Law “On Freedom of Religion and Religious Associations”.

2.4.6 Smoking in residential premises and public places (including hookah and electronic cigarettes).

2.4.7 Moving arbitrarily from one room to another.

2.4.8 Transferring arbitrarily the inventory from one room to another.

2.4.9 Reworking and repairing electrical wiring.

2.4.10 Installing additional electric heating devices in living rooms and common areas.

22.4.11 Turn on radio receivers, tape recorders, televisions with the volume that exceeds hearing within the room.

2.4.12 Sticking on the doors of living rooms and in places of common use, except for places specially designated for this purpose, announcements, schedules, reproductions of paintings, etc.

2.4.13 Inserting or replacing arbitrarily the locks in the doors of living rooms.

2.4.14 Dismantling arbitrarily furniture and erecting partitions.

2.4.15 Keeping animals.

2.4.16 Organizing arbitrarily meetings, discos and other mass events.

2.4.17 Throwing trash and other objects out of the window.

2.4.18 Going to the roof, climbing up to the attic, standing and sitting on the windowsills.

2.4.19 Using household premises for cooking at night from 22:00 hours to 06:00 hours.

2.4.20 Staying in another room after 23:00.

2.4.21 Using the residential premises not as intended.

2.4.22 Carrying out any commercial activity in the territory of the hostel.

2.4.23 Violating the rights and legal interests of neighbors in the room and/or block, which makes it impossible to live together.

2.4.24 Participating in gambling.

2.4.25 Using abusive vocabulary.


  1. Responsibility for violation of the Rules 

3.1 For violation of the Rules of internal code of conduct at the hostel, measures of public, administrative impact, disciplinary and other types of penalties may be imposed on the residents, in accordance with the procedure established by the University and with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and local acts of the University.

3.2 The following disciplinary sanctions are applied for violation of the Rules of internal code of conduct at the hostels:

3.2.1 Reproof.

3.2.2 Reprimand.

3.2.3 Strict reprimand.

3.2.4 Eviction from the hostel.

3.2.5 Expulsion from the University.

3.3 The information of the facts of violating internal regulations with indication of the full name of violators, the type of violation and the disciplinary measures applied to them is placed on the information stands of the hostels.

3.4 A disciplinary action is applied immediately when the offense is discovered but no later than a month from the day of its discovery (not accounting the time of illness or the student being on vacation).

3.5 Eviction from the hostel of the University as a measure of disciplinary punishment is applied by the order of the Board member, Vice-rector for educational work based on the decision of the Faculty Council and/or the Ethics Council.

3.6 A student who has been evicted from the hostel of the University for violating the internal rules of the University, is deprived of the possibility of re-checking, including the other hostels, in which he has not lived before.


  1. Procedure for eviction from the hostel 

4.1 Residents can be evicted in the following cases:

4.1.1 According to the resident’s own desire.

4.1.2 When expelling a student from the University at the end of the training period.

4.1.3 One-time or systematic violation of the Charter, the Rules of internal code of conduct at the hostel, other local acts of the University, conditions of the Agreement on accommodation at the hostel.

4.1.4 In the case of staying out of the hostel for more than 1 month without warning the hostel administration.

4.1.5 In other cases provided by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and local acts of the University.

4.4 Eviction is performed, respectively:

4.4.1 For citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan within 3 days from the date of publication of the order.

4.4.2 For foreign citizens within 7 days from the date of obtaining a student exit visa.
