Head of the department of «Building materials and technologies»

The Department of «Building materials and technologies»


Head of the Department «Building materials and technologies»

Karaganda state technical University



Academic degree: candidate of technical Sciences

Contact details:

Num: 8(7212) 56-59-32 (вн.1031), 8(771) 325 07 91

Address: Karaganda, Nursultan Nazarbayev Ave., 56, first building, office 217

Е-mail: e.imanov91@mail.ru

Date of birth: 26.07.1991 г. Marital status: single




Work experience




from 2016 to the present

Company name: Karaganda State Technical University.


Position: Lecturer of the department «Building materials and Technologies»



from 2015 to


Company name: Karaganda State Technical University.


Position: Assistant of the Department of «Building materials and Technologies»


from 2021 to the



Company name: Karaganda State Technical University.


Position: Acting Head of the Department of «Building materials and Technologies»







from 2009 to


Company name: Karaganda State Technical University.


Specialty: «Production of building materials, products and structures». Qualification awarded: Bachelor

Period Company name: Karaganda State Technical University.
from 2013 to


Specialty: «Production of building materials, products and structures». Qualification awarded: Master


с 2018

по 2021 год

Company name: Karaganda State Technical University.


Specialty: «Production of building materials, products and structures». Doctoral studies


Additional information

Languages: Russian, Kazakh, English with a dictionary.

Skills: Knowledge of AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, CorelDRAW, Word, Excel programs.


Personal qualities

Discipline, responsibility, decency, sociability, ability to work in a team.


Professional development
2014 г.

2015 г.

2016 г.

2020 г.

2021 г.

–  Internship at Harbin Polytechnic University, China.

–  training seminar on engineering pedagogy, Kazakhstan.

–  internship at the enterprise «KKK Beton» LLP, Kazakhstan.

–  advanced training at the Belarusian-Russian University, Belarus.

–  modern management technologies in education and entrepreneurship, Kazakhstan




  • Основные предпосылки к созданию энергосберегающих строительных изделий из газостекло- и пеностекло бетон «Вестник КарГУ. Серия Физика» г.Караганда, №4 (92), 2018 г., с.93-100.


  • Прочность бетона при твердении в различных климатических условиях, «Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований» г.Пенза, №6, 2018 г., с.38-42.


-Снижение деформативности оснований автомобильных дорог, Журнал «Труды Университета» 2, Караганда, 2020, с. 96-98.

  • Energetics Metrics for Foam-Glass Concrete Building Products Smirnov, Y.M., Baidzhanov, D.O., Imanov, E.K., Zhurunova, M.A. Glass and Ceramics (English translation of Steklo i Keramika), 2020, 77(7-8), стр. 267–271
  • Clinkerless slag-silica binder: Hydration process and hardening Slavcheva, G.S., Baidzhanov, D.O., Khan, M.A., Shvedova, M.A., Imanov, Y.K. Magazine of Civil Engineering, 2019, 92(8), стр. 96–105
  • Quality Improvement of Construction Products Based on Technogenic Cullet. Smirnov, Y.M., Kenzhin, B.M., Imanov, E.K., Zhurunova, M.A. Glass and Ceramics (English translation of Steklo i Keramika), 2019, 76(7-8), стр. 274–277.