Nurmukhamedov Yu.K.

Nurmukhamedov Yu.K.was born in 1907in Semipalatinsk region, one of the first mining engineers Kazakhs, graduated from Dnepropetrovsk mining institute in 1934. After graduation of Dnepropetrovsk mining institute he worked as assistant, teacher in Moscow mining institute.

In 1946 graduated from postgraduate study at Moscow mining institute. He defended his candidate work and continued to work in MSI as associate professor. In 1953 Nurmukhamedov Yu.K. made his way to Karaganda to head Karaganda mining institute (at present KSTU).

Being a specialist in the field of development of mineral resources deposits rector Nurmukhamedov Yu.K. – Cand.Tech.Sci., associate professor (for rate of 0,5) combined teaching work on WOMD department in KSI.

Nurmukhamedov Yu.K. dealt with scientific work. He is an author of 14 scientific works on mining.

He was awarded with Honourary certificates and four medals:

–          “For valiant labour in GPW 1941-1945”

–          “For defense of Moscow in 1941-1945”

–          “For memory of 800th anniversary of Moscow”

–          “For distinguished labour”.

In 1945, May 21, Nurmukhamedov Yu.K. was set free from duty of rector (director) of KSI.

In 1958 , May 16 Nurmukhamedov left teaching work on WOMD department of Karaganda mining institute and returned to Moscow mining institute, as his doctorate work was near to the end. Staying in Moscow he didn’t lose connection with the institute.



