“Center for the Development of Technical and Vocational Education” of the Department of Education of Zhambyl region “Eternal Country Youth – Industry!” – As part of the implementation of the social project “Serpin” on January 20, 2021 on the platform ZOOM held an online meeting with employees of higher education institutions responsible for the social project “Serpin” on “Serpin program: prospects and current status”.
The meeting was attended by the head of the Center “Trinity of Languages” named after Shakarim Kudaiberdiyevich, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor Aubakirov NM, Head of the Training Center “Serpin” Zhetpisbay Sh.A., 1st year student of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction Saparov Saparov Rakhmetova Uldanay, a 4th year student of the specialty “Transport, transport equipment and technology” of the Faculty of Road and Transport, shared her thoughts about our university.
Also, our graduates from Zhambyl region, who graduated in 2019 and 2020, including graduates from near and far abroad and Kazakhstan’s universities, in particular, Daulbayev Aitkazy – in Scotland, Kydyrov Nurken – in Tomsk, Bakan Nazerke, Kaldybay Ayauzhan, Abdullayeva Aizada, etc. .b. regarding.