Bologna process in KSTU

Bologna process in KSTU


Final decision on joining to Bologna Declaration of Kazakhstan was taken in Budapest  during the second forum of Ministers of Education of European countries in 2010. Kazakhstan became the 47th member of the Bologna process. This is the first Central Asian country which is a full member of the European educational space. Decision on accession of Kazakhstan was unanimously supported by representatives of 46 countries-signatories of the Bologna Declaration. Flag of Kazakhstan introduced and installed in a gallery of the flags of Bologna process participating countries.

On September 17, 2009 at the XXI conference of Magna Charta Universitatum there took place Karaganda State Technical University entering Magna Charta Universitatum in Bologna, Italy.

The University rector, academician of the RK NAS A.M. Gazaliyev signed an agreement and our University was included in the list of higher schools as a participant of the Bologna process.


Academic mobility of students

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