Curator hour in the group OP-19-2 on topic «Wind energy is energy of the future»

On February 27, 2020y., students of the group OP-19-2 (12 students, curator Alimova B.Sh.) took part in curator hour on the topic «Wind energy is energy of the future».


Students of the OP-19-2 group prepared a presentation on the prospects for the development of wind energy in Kazakhstan.

According to experts calculations, at current volumes of coal production on Earth will be enough on 400-500 years, and oil and gas maximum on century. In addition, devastation of the Earth’s interior and fuel’s burning disfigure the planet and worsen its ecology from year to year. In short, humanity is faced with task of developing environmentally friendly, renewable, or, as they are also called, non-traditional, energy sources. Among them, only the Sun and wind’s energy is truly inexhaustible and almost does not make any changes to nature.

Currently, there is no production of wind generators in Kazakhstan. This shelf is empty. All initiatives in the field of wind energy remain at call level. Studying this problem and encountering it in real life, we made sure that this product will be very demanded.
