Curator hour of group OP-19-2 On the topic «Trends in global and space applications development»


 13 of February 2020 y. students of group OP-19-2 (curator Alimova B. Sh.) participated in the curator hour on the topic «Trends in global and space applications development».

Students of group OP-19-2 prepared a presentation on given topic, about that astronautics, being main product of world scientific and technological progress, has itself become a powerful progress engine, continuously passing other areas of the world economy on the invaluable significance and unprecedented in terms of new materials’ flow, technologies and scientific developments, making a significant contribution to sustainable mankind development of.

Space industry, income from which, according to data on the middle 2000-th years was 77 billion USD., has turned into the largest, commercially attractive world economy’s component, providing employment for more than one million people in the world. Increase in demand for commercial satellite services is causing a significant rise in global aerospace industry. In 2005, compared with 2000, its average annual income increased by 93.3%, in absolute terms, growth amounted to 168.2 billion USD, in 2006- 220 billion USD. At present, global space market is showing more than 10 percent annual growth, according to data on the end 2017, total market volume totaled 251.16 billion USD.



