On January 31 and February 6, the College of innovative technologies of KSTU held the defense of diploma projects in the specialty “engineering Technology” of full-time and part-time departments in the groups KTM-11/17-2 and ZKTM-11/17-2

In the history of the College, this is the first graduation in this specialty. 15 people were admitted to the defense. 4 students defended themselves for the “excellent” rating, and the rest for the “good” rating. Among them are students who are applying for a diploma with honors.

The Commission consisted of:

1) Chairman of the Commission-Petrov O. G.-head of the production Department of “Maker” LLP (KLMZ plant)

2) member of the Commission-Smagulova N. A.-Director Of the College of innovative technologies of KSTU;

3) member of the Commission – Kharitonov A.V.-chief technologist of KTU “Maker” LLP (KLMZ plant);

4) member of the Commission-Mateshov A. K.-senior lecturer of the Department “Technological equipment, mechanical engineering and standardization” of KSTU;

5) member of the Commission-D. S. Zhunuspekov-senior lecturer of the Department “Technological equipment, mechanical engineering and standardization” of KSTU.

The leaders of the graduation projects:

1) Zheksembekov E. T-teacher of special disciplines in the specialty ” engineering Technology»

2) Ramazanov S. B. – teacher of special disciplines of the specialty “Technology of mechanical engineering”.

