Dear students! We inform you about the beginning of accepting documents for participation in the competition for training under the academic mobility program

Dear students!

We are informing you about the beginning of accepting documents for participation in the competition for studies on the academic mobility program during the fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year in European universities by financing the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Everyone should provide a list of documents to the Center for International Cooperation and Academic Mobility (main building, office 241) by February 10!

List of required documents for participation in the competition:

1) Copy of the passport of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2) a transcript of current performance certified by the seal of the university

3) IELTS certificate, if available, in the absence of a certificate will be tested for knowledge of a foreign language.

4) the written consent of the parents, guardians, legal representatives of the applicant for traveling abroad, if he does not reach the age of 18 at the time of leaving Kazakhstan.

5) a document on the composition of the family, to confirm the large families of the student

6) a document confirming the student’s absence of parents (for the category of students belonging to orphans or students left without parental care)

7) a document confirming the student’s disability.



