Curator hour in the group OP-19-2 on topic «Nanotechnology: global development trends. The role of nanomaterials in the 6th technological structure development»

Curator hour in the group OP-19-2

on topic «Nanotechnology: global development trends. The role of nanomaterials in the 6th technological structure development»


30 of January 2020 y. students of group OP-19-2 (curator Alimova B. Sh.) participated in the curator hour on topic «Nanotechnology: global development trends. The role of nanomaterials in the 6th technological structure development».

Students of group OP-19-2 prepared presentation on topic, that nanotechnology is a new direction in science and technology, actively advanced in recent decades, including creation and use of materials, devices and technical systems, the functioning of which is determined by the nanostructure, i.e. its ordered fragments ranging in size from one to one hundred nanometers.

Head of the group Raiymbekov Rakhat prepared information on the main states of the speech of K.-J. Tokaev at enlarged session of the government 24.01.2020 y., about that there are saved questions about the quality of economic development, the highest of growing is about part of building, trade and transport. During the 11 months of 2019, the loan portfolio volume to GDP decreased from 23% to 22%. Big problem is the lack of growth in labor productivity. Share of non-oil exports is growing slowly. It is important to prepare a program of deep, possibly radical reforms of the country’s economy, we need a new economic course. Next strategic goals were announced to the state.



