The primacy of the University for the bench press


On December 14, 2019 in the sports complex of KSTU passed competitions in a bench press, lying, in the program “Interfacultet Spartakiad” devoted to Independence Day of RK.

The competition was attended by 52 students, who represented 7 faculties.

The most numerous team was team GF.

In the end they won first place for the team were two masters of sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan is Trubnikov D., and Krahmal A.

Second place went to the team’s first TDF in third place athletes of MF, which stands for master of sports of RK Agataev O. Competitions at a good level and the athletes have a lot of positive emotions.

The Champions in their categories were:

66 kg – Hamit A., 74 kg –  Krahmal A., 83 kg – Vasilevsky A., 93 kg –  Olzhataev O. and in + 93kg –  Trubnikov D.





