History of the department “Building materials and technologies”

The Department of «Building materials and technologies»


In 2015, the department “Building materials and technologies” was formed by merging the departments “Construction and Housing and Utilities” and “Technology of building materials and products.”

Currently, the department trains bachelors, masters and PhDs in the following educational programs:

– 5В073000 – “Production of building materials, products and structures”;

– 6М073000 – “Production of building materials, products and structures”;

– 6D073000 – “Production of building materials, products and structures”;

– 5В072900 – “Civil engineering”;

– 6M072900 – “Civil engineering”;

– 6D072900 – “Civil engineering”.

The department has trained more than 6,000 civil engineers, educational engineers, architects, bachelors and masters of science, masters of engineering and technology.

History of the Department ” Building and housing and communal services” and “Technologies of building materials and products”:

The department “Technology and organization of construction production” was established on the 1st of September in 1959. In 2012, the department was renamed the department ” Building and housing and communal services”.

In various years the department was headed by: Moskalenko S.F., Mel R.K., Kuznetsov Yu.P., Kim Yu.M., Bakenov B.B., Orazaly E.E., Epov G.K., Kropachev P.A., Baydzhanov D.O., Kozhas A.K., Utenov E.S.

A great contribution to the establishment and development of the department was made by teachers – Tsytsak P.V., Korotchenko N.M., Soynikov G.P., Zhanaydarova A.A., Kim I.V., Smelyakov V.G., Light B.M., Unaybayev B.Zh., Shalbaev K.Sh., Sveshnikov I.A., Zhakulin A.S., Kenesbaev M.T., Lebedev S.A., Kulpeisov B.A. and others, as well as educational support staff – Smagulova R.A., Karakchieva N.K., Arenov S.A., Kim L.B., Kim N.A., Kim V.G.

Many years with the Department fruitfully cooperating scientists and specialists of JSC “Soyuzspetsfundamenttyazhstroy”  – Boyko N.V. , Buy V.M., Piven V.G. , Bizhanov K.S., Kadyrov A.S., leading architects of Karaganda region of Karaganda – Melikov E.G., Duz-Kryadchenko V.I., Mordvintsev S.I., Titarev A.V., Dautbergenov S.F.

Under the supervision of professor B. Bakenov. the department formed the scientific school of foundation engineering in regional conditions.

Since 1959 by 2008 the department provided training in engineering specialties “Industrial and civil construction”, “Civil engineering”, “Construction of thermal and nuclear power plants”, “Architecture” and “Design”.

In 2008, in connection with the reorganization of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in the department “Technology and organization of building production” entered the department of “Buildings and structures” with specialties “Construction of roads”, “Bridges and transport tunnels”, “Urban Construction and Management”, “Technical and legal expertise in construction”. After the reorganization, a computer classroom was created. The computer class has appeared where licensed programs “Arhicad”, “Autocad”, and “LiraSapr 2013” ​​are used. For laboratory work, modern devices for non-destructive testing of structures are used. To control the quality of roads, a mobile road laboratory has been acquired.

The department of “Technologies of building materials and products ” was formed in 1972 by merging the following departments: “Reinforced concrete structures” and “Economics and organization of construction”.

The founder and the first head of the department was a graduate of the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering, associate professor, candidate of technical sciences. Mamyrbekov A.M., who made a great contribution to the development and formation of the department. Over the years, the department was headed by associate professors, candidate of technical sciences: Momynov M.R. (1979 – 1982), Esirkepov A.B. (1983 – 1990), Battakov S.B. (1990 – 1997); professor, doctor of technical sciences Baidzhanov D.O. (1997 – 2004), associate professor, candidate of technical sciences Rakhimov M.A. (2004-2015).  From 2015 to the present, the head of the department is associate professor, candidate of technical sciences Rakhimova G.M.

According to the results of the scientific developments of the department, 7 doctoral theses were defended at different times: Soloviev V.I. (1994), Pimenov A.T. (1997), Baidzhanov D.O. (2003), Absimetov V.E. (2004), Shaikezhan A. (2005), Tkach E.V. (2006).

Nowadays, working veterans of the department “Building materials and technologies” are mentors of young people – professor, doctor of technical sciences Baidzhanov D.O., professor, doctor of technical sciences  Shaykezhan A., professor, doctor of technical sciences  Nuguzhinov Zh.S., professor, doctor of technical sciences Utenov E.S., D professor, doctor of technical sciences  Zhakulin A.S., associate professor, candidate of technical sciences Kim Yu.M., associate professor, candidate of technical sciences Nemen V.N., associate professor, candidate of technical sciences Almenov K.S., associate professor, candidate of technical sciences  Kropachev, P.A., senior lecturer Ayapbergenova B.Е., who have been working at the department for more than 30 years.

The graduates of the department “Building Materials and Technologies” were well-known state and public figures, prominent specialists working in Kazakhstan and abroad: Soloviev V.I., Pimenov A.T., Mikhailovsky V.P., Momynov MR, Arkhipov V.F., Kopbaev E.Sh., Tkach E.V., Kabzhanov Kh.B. , Aysanov B.K., Liberman I., Malyshev O.A., Takuov H.Sh., Togaybayev I.U., Musalimov I.G., Imashev Zh.A., Kuanshaliev N.Zh., Ibadildin Zh.I., Ospanov K.N., Toregeldin S.M., Akhimbekov A.K., Kamaliev B., Bozzhigitov A., Mustafina G.N., Zhetpisbaev N.A., Kumash N.A., Kudabaev D.A., Nefedov V.N., Nasrat Nasrattulla other. Many graduates of the department became major scientists – doctors, professors and academicians: Boyko N.V., Filatov A.V., Plotnikov V.M., Absimetov V.E., Zhadrasinov N.T., Unaybaev B.Zh., Serdyuk V.I.

The degree of candidate of technical sciences received more than 70 graduates of the department.

Currently the department has 39 teachers, 8 part-time teacher and 6 people support staff.

BMaT department has 12 branches: LLP “Institute of Karaganda Promstroiproekt”, “Karaganda construction laboratory” in LLP “KaragandaTehnoServis” SRI KazMIRR, LLP “Kurylysekspertproekt”, LLP “Uksproekt – 2006”, LLP “KKK Beton” LLP “JBI Karaganda”, PC “ASPAP”, LLP” Karagandagiproshakht and K”, LLP “Santekhenergoproekt and K”, JSC “Ekostroyservis “, LLP “Oplot LTD”.

The branches have Agreements on the Innovative-Educational Consortium “Corporate University”, contracts, class schedules, and documentation for the disciplines.

Academic classes are held at five branches of the department: LLP “Institute of Karaganda Promstroiproekt”, LLP “KKK Beton”, “Karaganda construction laboratory” SRI KazMIRR, PC “Aspap”.

LLP “Institute of Karaganda Promstroiproekt” – a Project the company that created the conditions for training students ASE: granted a computer class with appropriate software: «Arhicad», «Autocad», «LiraSapr 2013″, “SRC” and others for 24 seats, 2 auditoriums equipped with interactive whiteboards and projectors. Also provided a laboratory for laboratory work and scientific research of bachelors, undergraduates and doctoral students.

The base of the branch is equipped with an architectural and design studio for 20 seats with modern material and technical equipment. Together with the transnational engineering company FLUOR (USA), the branch trains specialists in the International Designer program.

– certified “Karaganda construction laboratory” at LLP “KaragandaTehnoServis” is equipped with a set of equipment that meets modern requirements in the field of building materials science and engineering. On educational and industrial equipment there is a training for bachelors, masters and doctoral students who have practical skills in the field of modern technologies, who are able to design and operate equipment produced by world developers.

Precision instruments for laboratory research and process control are used for laboratory work. At the enterprise the students 2nd – 4th courses of specialty “Construction” do practical work in accordance with the schedule.

– The KazMIRR Research Institute is equipped with modern mobile equipment, which allows to carry out scientific research and monitoring of buildings and structures.

In the economic contract topics of research institutes KazMIRR for technical inspection and monitoring of buildings and structures by taking attended by students, undergraduates, doctoral students and faculty of the department. The KazMIRR Institute provided scientific and technical support for the construction and operation of more than 1,500 civil and industrial facilities throughout Kazakhstan, including a complex of unique structures in Astana.

– in LLP “KKK Beton” conducts training sessions in the disciplines “Technology of concrete,” “Automation and automation”. Chief Engineer of LLP “KKK Beton” S. Kulinsky is the head of industrial and pre-diploma practice of students, the head of diploma design.

Material and technical base of enterprises LLP “KaragandaGIIZ and K”, LLP “Institute of Karaganda Promstroiproekt” SRI KazMIRR, LLP “KaragandaTehnoServis”, LLP “Kurylysekspertproekt”, LLP “Uksproekt – 2006”, LLP “Nurhan”, PC “ASPAP” LLP “Karagandagiproshaht and K”, LLP “Santehenergoproekt and K”, JSC “Ekostroyservis”, LLP “Oplot LTD” allows to evolves practical skills of the bachelors, masters and doctoral students, where they undergo practical training at in accordance with the and m and schedule.

Leading experts from the following organizations and enterprises are involved in conducting the classes:

– Director of the Institute KazMIRR, professor, doctor of technical sciences  Nuguzhinov J.S., employees KazMIRR Zhilkybaev D.K., Eichner A.V.;

– Chairman of the Board of Directors of “KaragandaTechnoService”, ociate professor, candidate of technical sciences Abildin S.К.;

– Foreman of LLP “KKK Beton” Kulinskiy SA. ;

– Director of LLP “POWER BETON” Zhanakov K.A.

Together with representatives of the production staff of the department regularly issue an Educational and methodical literature and published in scientific journals.

The department “Building materials and technologies” has concluded cooperation agreements with foreign partner universities that are in the TOP-300 world universities ranking QS :

– National University of Inchon, South Korea (QS -116);

– University of Bolton, UK (QS-197);

– National Research St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great, Russia (QS -158);

– Vilnius Technical University, Gediminas, Lithuania (QS-297).

The department’s partners include dozens of universities, research and engineering centers in Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Great Britain, the USA, Canada, South Korea, Japan and China.

The department constantly updates the material and technical base of the construction laboratory. Every year, modern equipment is purchased, and the department’s research activities are being developed.