Educational and methodological association – project management groups of the Republican educational and methodical council under Abylkas Saginov KarTU

Educational and Methodological Association – Project Management Group at Karaganda University named after Abulkas Saginov was established by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 367 dated July 31, 2009 (with changes and additions from 02/11/2020), according to which to date, Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University is approved as the Lead Organization:

in 8 bachelor’s degree programs:

  1. 6B072 Mining Engineering;
  2. 6B071 Mechanical Engineering;
  3. 6B071 Instrumentation Engineering;
  4. 6B071 Technological Machines and Equipment (by industries);
  5. 6B112 Occupational Health and Environmental Safety;
  6. 6B075 Standardization, Certification (by industries);
  7. 6B075 Metrology;
  8. 6B112 Fire Safety.

in 8 master’s degree programs:

  1. 7M072 Mining Engineering;
  2. 7M071 Mechanical Engineering;
  3. 7M071 Instrumentation Engineering;
  4. 7M071 Technological Machines and Equipment (by industries);
  5. 7M112 Occupational Health and Environmental Safety;
  6. 7M075 Standardization, Certification and Metrology (by industries);
  7. 7M072 Geophysical Methods of Exploration and Surveying in Mining Industry;
  8. 7M072 Surveying.

in 7 Ph.D. doctoral programs:

  1. 8D072 Mining Engineering;
  2. 8D071 Mechanical Engineering;
  3. 8D071 Instrumentation Engineering;
  4. 8D071 Technological Machines and Equipment (by industries);
  5. 8D112 Occupational Health and Environmental Safety;
  6. 8D075 Standardization and Certification (by industries);
  7. 8D072 Geophysical Methods of Exploration and Surveying in Mining Industry.

The Educational and Methodological Association – Project Management Group at Abulkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University operates in accordance with the Regulations on the Activities of Educational and Methodological Associations at Higher Education Institutions (Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 12, 2018, No. 562).


The main directions of activity include:

  • Establishing interaction between higher and (or) postgraduate education institutions, employers, accreditation agencies, and other organizations to improve external and internal quality assurance systems of higher and (or) postgraduate education.
  • Preparation of recommendations for improving the state compulsory standards of higher and postgraduate education, the classifier of training areas with higher and postgraduate education.
  • Preparation of recommendations for the formation of learning outcomes in training areas with higher and postgraduate education in accordance with the national qualification framework, industry qualification frameworks, and professional standards.
  • Monitoring the provision of the supervised training areas with teaching staff, literature, electronic databases, and other necessary resources.
  • Conducting expertise, reviewing textbooks, teaching aids, test tasks, educational publications of various levels in the supervised training areas with higher, postgraduate, and additional education.
  • Formation of recommendations for determining the profile subjects of the Unified National Testing, comprehensive testing of applicants for admission to higher education institutions, as well as disciplines of external assessment of educational achievements of students of higher education institutions.
  • Preparation of recommendations for the introduction of innovative educational technologies and dissemination of advanced experience in implementing multilingual education, dual training system.
  • Preparation of recommendations for improving the content of educational programs and teaching methods taking into account the expectations and requirements of employers as consumers of educational services.
  • Analysis and generalization of world practice, including foreign universities, with the aim of developing methodological recommendations for creating internal and external quality assurance systems for the educational process.

