A round table “Spiritual relics of Kazakhstan”

The 13th December was held a round table “Spiritual relics of Kazakhstan”
The students of the Machine-building faculty and students of the College of Innovative Technologies of KSTU took part in this event.
The purpose of the round table was enter the top thirty of the developed countries of the world.
The lecturer  has opened the conversation  Aubakirov Y.Z. and Ushakov K.V.
During the round table, students of the MET-17-4, K9 / 17 KOTRT (rus), K9 / 17 KCOS EE-16-2p, K9 / 17 KCT, K9 / 17 KOTRT (kaz) made their presentations.
During the thematic conversation the students were introduced in the article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev “A look into the future: modernization of public consciousness”.
Summarizing the meeting of the “round table”, I would like to recall the words of the Head of State that “time does not stop, which means that modernization, like history itself, is an ongoing process …”
