Mazdubay Asylkhan Vladimirovich ofd efense the doctoral thesis

The defense of the doctoral dissertation for the degree of Philosophy Doctor (Ph.D.) of Mazdubay Assylkhan on the topic: «Research and development of resource-saving way of cutting metal workpieces» by major 6D071200 – Mechanical engineering will take place in Karaganda State Technical University.

The work is performed at the Department of «Technological equipment, mechanical engineering and standardization», Karaganda State Technical University.

Language of defense: Kazakh.

Scientific advisers:

Sherov Karibek Tagaevich – doctor of technical sciences, Professor of the department «Technological equipment, mechanical engineering and standardization”of Karaganda State Technical University;

Audrius Chereška – Ph.D., Professor of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania).


Bekenov Tasybek Nusupbekovich – doctor of technical sciences, Professor, Head of the Department “Organization of transport, traffic and operation of transport” of L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University (specialty 05.05.06).

Alpeisov Azamat Turusbekovich – candidate of technical sciences, Docent, Head of the Department of «Standardization, certification and engineering technology» of Kazakh National Research University named after K.I. Satpayev (specialty 05.03.01).

Defense will be held in December 28, 2017 at 10.00 at the Dissertation Council for the Defense of PhD doctoral theses of  KSTU on specialty 6D071200 «Mechanical engineering» at the following address: 100027, Karaganda, 56, Mira Boulevard, first building, room 319.




Диссертация Маздубай А.В

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