Students of KSTU “ZhastarAlemi” among students of College of Innovative technologies passed the first round “Talent – 2017

The 6  ofOctober in the Palace of students of KSTU “ZhastarAlemi” among students of College of Innovative technologies passed the first round “Talent – 2017. Each group presented their talented students. In the competition took a part 7 people.Participants were evaluated in the following categories:

  1. Moral-ethical content
  2. Mastery
  3. The art of mastery
  4. Artistry
  5. Originality
  6. Compliance with the regulations of the time.

In the end, the winner of the title “Star debut” recognized as a student LukpanovRauan. The KVN team “Koztimesen” has the nomination “Unique genre”, team K-17-2 “Best group”, group-17-3 “Best vocal performance”, group KET “Best instrumental performance”, group KODMD “Best support group”.
