16 RSTC (2015)

16th Republican Scientific-Technical Conference

“Welding and Quality Control” (2015)

In Karaganda State Technical University and Kazakhstan Institute of welding at 3th to 4th of December, 2015 held 16th Republican Scientific-Technical Conference «Welding and Quality Control». The Conference addressed issues of theory and practice of welding and nondestructive testing, as well as training for these areas. Within the Republican Conference has celebrated the 50 anniversary of the Department of welding.

At the Kazakhstan Institute of welding demonstration of modern welding equipment companies LINCOLN ELECTRIC (United States) and Kemppi (Finland).

Quests of the meeting for the 50th anniversary of the KSTU welding Department

Report of Ashimov N. (LAMED, Almaty city)

Report of Professor Sarajev Yu.N. (IFPM Tomsk city)

The presentation of the Kemppi unit (Welding Group, Atyrau city)

Presentation units ESAB

Welding by unit Kemppi

The expert Pak David (ESAB, Almaty city)
