On 13 April, the opening of the conference “Contribution of youth science in the implementation of the strategy “Kazakhstan — 2050” was held in the assembly hall of the main building. In total, more than five hundred scientific papers authored by students and undergraduates of KSTU, EITI, S. Seifullin KazAgroU, TSU (Taraz), KSLIU, E.A. Buketov KSU.
During the conference the questions of participation of the Republic citizens in EXPO – 2017, youth policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the CIS, problems of modernization of the constitutional system and prospects for the construction of technological development in the country were considered.
The greatest interest was aroused by the report of the house of the future. Among theses– ergonomic, eco-friendly materials, practical mobility of main parts are the most importany. In order to be able to easily remove and replace components. It is worth noting the importance of the cheapness of the housing and accessories.
The conference was held in a lively and interesting mode. Many of the projects have yet to begin their path to implementation, others are already under development. Such events give the sense of creative potential, because new discoveries and development has not closed the way for innovators in a particular area, but rather give a big boost to the realization of their ideas.