The competition for state research scholarships and personal awards for 2016 was announced on 14 September 2016 by the Ministry of Education and Science. The state scholarship can be awarded to scientists and researchers who are actively involved in conducting basic and applied research in high-priority areas, scientific staff training, as well as talented young scientists under the age of thirty five years, actively involved in conducting research on solving scientific problems and who have received recognition by the scientific community. According to the order of MES RK № 675 of 28.11.2016 ‘On award of nominal awards in the field of science and the state scientific grants in 2016’, the following scientists of our university became the winners of the state scientific scholarships among leading scientists:
- Portnov Vasily Sergeyevich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department ‘Geology and Geophysics’;
Among young scientists:
- Imashev Askar Zhanbolatovich, PhD, senior lecturer of the Department ‘Development of mineral deposits’;
- Yugay Vyacheslav Viktorovich – PhD, head of the Department ‘Technology of communication systems’;
- Shcherbakova Elena Petrovna – PhD, senior lecturer of the Department ‘Nanotechnology and metallurgy’.
- Mussin Ravil Altavovich – master, lecturer of the Department ‘Development of mineral deposits’;