3rd year student became the winner of the Scholarship contest of Scientific-educational Foundation named after Academician Shahmardan Yessenov

3rd year student of the faculty of power engineering, automation and telecommunications of the University Tolegen Saltanat Zhanbotakyzy studying in the specialty “Automation and management” became the winner of the Scholarship contest of  Scientific-educational Foundation name after Academician Shahmardan Yessenov. The contest was attended by 72 students from 18 universities from all over Kazakhstan. Term of scholarship: 12 months (from April 2016 to March 2017). The amount of the scholarship is 25 000 tenge. The scholarship does not negate the right of a student to receive state, including increased scholarships.

Selection of students was carried out by the Expert Council on the results of three rounds. The decision of the Expert Council discussed and concurred with the Board of Trustees.

Tolegen Saltanat, honours pupil, Presidential scholarship’s holder, one of the volunteers of ICO “Akniet”, takes an active part in public life of the University. After 3 rounds of competitive selection, she was one of five winners of this program.

Scientific-Educational Shakhmardan Yessenov Foundation – established in 2013 in the best tradition of patronage for the purpose of development of Kazakhstan science, scientific researches and their introduction into innovative production and the system of higher education.

The Foundation hopes that in the future our students will take an active part in scientific and educational programs of the Foundation.
