Faculty of power engineering, automation and telecommunications

Academic Process
Educational Work
International Cooperation
Individual faculty page
Dean’s CV
Awards and Achievements

Клуб выпускников ФЭАТ

Power Engineering, automation and Telecommunication faculty was established in accordance with the order the rector of Karaganda State Technical University (KSTU), and is an educational, scientific, administrative, structural unit of KSTU.
The faculty brings together the Department of Automation of production processes, technologies and communication systems, Energy, who are preparing for the professions included in the institute, as well as general education department of Physics.

Power Engineering, automation and Telecommunication faculty operates on the basis of long-term and annual plans, covering organizational, teaching, research and educational work.

The faculty aims at developing the relationship of the leading scientific and educational achievements in the field of higher education didactics, aimed at improving the quality of education and stimulate creativity of teachers in teaching methods and organizational work.

Power Engineering, automation and Telecommunication faculty is located in the main body of the Karaganda State Technical University on the first floor in the left wing, room 127.

PEАTF was founded in 1957 and named Mining-electromechanical department (MEМ).
