Interuniversity quiz Information Technology

On 13.04.2015, the quiz starts Interuniversity Information Technology ЕРАМ Systems – 2015

Goals and objectives of the quiz

Identification of the most talented young people with appropriate knowledge and skills to solve problems related to the introduction of new information technologies.
The development of logical and creative thinking of students, awakening interest in solving non-standard problems in programming, development of software systems and web- applications.

The organizers of the quiz

LLP “PLYUSMIKRO” EPAM Systems Competence Center in Kazakhstan,
Karaganda State Technical University (Department of IVS).


LLP “PLYUSMIKRO” EPAM Systems Competence Center in Kazakhstan.

       Participants of the quiz
In the quiz EPAM Systems – 2015 can participate 1-4 grade students of universities in Karaganda.

Dates quiz

13/04/2015 – 23/04/2015: Registration, Department of Information Computing Systems KSTU, audience 301 main building or applying for a part in a quiz on the email (name, institution, group, course , phone, e-mail)

25.04.2015 : Grand opening quez. The Challenge 10.00, 405 Main Stock block the audience.

04/25/2015 – 28/04/2015: Evaluation of work. Summary of results

04/29/2015 – Appeal. (To 15.00)
04/29/2015 – Results of the quiz.
04/30/2015: The closing ceremony of the quiz and prizes.

Venue quiz

The Republic of Kazakhstan
Karaganda, Boulevard of Peace, 56
KSTU, Department of Information Systems, 200 (a-e) the audience the main building

All information about the quiz on Information Technology
EPAM Systems – 2015 is available at KSTU
To contact a senior lecturer in computer information systems Shakirova Yu.K. (87053038534)
