We invite You to learn in the form of a game on a popular and interesting courses developed by leading specialists of the University ITMO in the following areas:
• “Introduction to technologies of web programming (PHP)”
The course focuses on the study of the most popular language for server-side programming PHP. PHP allows you to create interactive pages with content that is created on the basis of information collected from visitors to the web page, for example, data from a web form, or other interaction with the user. In this course students will become familiar with various web technologies, used in server-side programming, such as MySQL, Apache and Nginx, PHP frameworks Zend and YII, patterns, MVC and HMVC.The composition of the course consists of video lectures, including surveys on specific sections, exercises, practical tasks for independent work.
The course lasts for 8 weeks. In the course of the study courses students will be able to create a prototype of a game server on the example of the game “Chess”.
• “Introduction to technology web programming (JavaScript)”
The course focuses on the study of the most popular client – side programming JavaScript. The aim of the course is not only to teach programming, but also to create the right mindset. JavaScript is an object – oriented language, so in this course, much attention is paid to the mechanism of creation of objects, properties and methods of objects, use objects to create various web applications. To accelerate the development of widely used JQuery, the foundations of which are considered in this course. The course will be considered the client part of the game of chess on the sample library jQuery and ExtJs framework.
The composition of the course consists of video lectures, including surveys on specific sections, exercises, practical tasks for independent work.
The course lasts for 6 weeks.
• “RoboEd Practical robotics”
The course focuses on the study of robotics-based designer LegoMindstorms. The minimum level of training includes school curriculum in mathematics, physics and Informatics. For the successful completion of the course, it is desirable to know the basics of theoretical mechanics, mathematical analysis, electrical engineering, automatic control theory. In the beginning of the course will cover methods of identifying and modeling systems. Below are the heuristics settings of the regulator. Upon completion of the course the student implements its own robotic system based on LegoMindstorms, and developed methods can be used in industrial robotics, and mobile robotic systems. In the process of learning will be used the following open source software: a package of applied mathematical software Scilab (http://www.scilab.org/), environment for programming the NXT BricxCC (http://bricxcc.sourceforge.net/), computer algebra system Maxima (http://maxima.sourceforge.net/). For all programs will be given introductory lessons, explaining in detail their work. The course lasts for 8 weeks.
The training is conducted in open-online education University ITMO courses.ifmo.ru
Training is FREE
Upon completion of training upon successful certification is issued a CERTIFICATE.
Registration for the courses is now open and runs until 25 January 2015
Training will begin January 12, 2015