A traveling seminar at the The Museum of memory of victims of political repressions in village Dolinka

On April 22, 2021, senior teachers of the Department of Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan and Social and Humanitarian Discipline” of the NLC Karaganda Technical University Master of Ph.Sci. Sharipova R.M., Master of Social Sci. Ivleva E.N., Master of Social Sci. Khmelnitskaya O. M. organized a traveling seminar with students of the groups: S-19-2s, Arch-19-2s, Diz-19-1s, GD-20-2s, EE-19-3, BТ-19-2 in the MSPE ” The Museum of memory of victims of political repressions in village Dolinka”.

This event is an annual systematic work of the department under the guidance of Doctor PhD Shormanbayeva D.G. and active cooperation of the department of APK and SHD” with “Kogamdyk kelisim” of the akim’s office of the Karaganda region. The event is dedicated to the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan, the Day of the Great Victory, the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repression.

The traveling seminar is the final lesson in the study of the discipline “Political Science”. The main goal of the seminar is to form the spirit of patriotism, citizenship, historical memory, and duty. Students were told about the origins and causes of the tragedy that our people experienced in the XX century. Development was interrupted by the October political coup organized in 1917 and the subsequent Civil War, the destruction of the traditional way of life, as well as the subsequent accelerated collectivization of agriculture carried out by the Soviet government, accompanied by famine, violence, and repression. The students showed a deep interest and respect for the memory of the victims of political repression.

We would like to express our deep gratitude to the Director of the Communications Department of  JSC ArcelorMittle Temirtau M.I. Khmelnitsky for organizing the traveling seminar.


