There is a good tradition in the Higher Mathematics Department of helping those in need of care and attention, helping not only in word but also in deed, giving a piece of their warmth.

There is a good tradition in the Higher Mathematics Department of helping those in need of care and attention, helping not only in word but also in deed, giving a piece of their warmth. Especially when it comes to our older generation. On 27 March 2021 students from group LOG-20-2 together with their tutor Shegebayeva Gaukhar Ermekkyzy and youth charity fund “Akniet” (volunteer of fund Meyrkhanova Aruzhan) visited boarding house for the elderly and disabled people “DOBRO”. Students prepared a touching concert programme for the elderly. Here poems by S.Esenin, V.Mayakovsky, M.Tsvetaeva were read. The most popular songs of the war years: “Katyusha”, “Smuglyanka”, and also songs of soviet films were performed under the guitar. The event was attended by 30 students.

There were also modern style dances performed by our students.

The elderly people in the audience watched the event with interest, recollecting all the songs and singing along with the smiling guys, applauding loudly.

After that an open talk took place in a cozy atmosphere. The elderly people were very happy about the sincere and warm attitude of the students. They willingly told various fascinating stories from life, shared their life experience, gave useful advices and instructions.

And in return, the students gave the grandparents delicious sweets, art books, theatre tickets and a six-month newspaper subscription.

At the end, the administration of the home thanked the students, who in turn assured them that they were always happy to meet again and would come back with new impressions.



