Seminar 175th anniversary of Zhambyl Zhabayev

In the light of the approach of the round date of the 175th anniversary of Zhambyl Zhabayev, March 04, 2021, the teaching staff of the Department of “Higher Mathematics” in the person of., teacher Shegebayeva G. E., teacher Mergembayeva A. Zh, assistant Yarullina A. R., held a seminar “175th anniversary of Zhambyl Zhabayev” in a remote format. The event was attended by 37 participants. Among them are students of groups LOG-20-2, LOG-20-2c, TT-20-2, supervised by teachers Shegebaeva G. E. and Mergembayeva A. Zh., Dean of the Transport and Road Faculty Kurmasheva B. K., teachers of the Department of “Higher Mathematics”: Associate Professor Mustafina L. M., Acting Associate Professor Zhurov V. V., Acting Associate Professor Shaikhova G. S., senior lecturer of the Department of” Kazakh language and Culture”, Deputy Dean for Educational work Ospangalieva M. T. The event was held in accordance with a pre-prepared scenario, according to which students presented reports with a length of 5-10 minutes.

The significant event was opened by Maxim Lipasov’s report ” Biography of Zh.Zhabaeva”, which introduced the participants to the historical roots, the area where Akyn was born. The floor was given to Alexander Solod, who opened the topic ” Creativity of Zh.Zhabaeva”, marked the degree of fame of the name of the great poet in our country, near and far abroad. Zhabayev’s poems of Kazakh folk poetry were translated into English, Bulgarian, Czech and other languages of the world. The name of Zhambyl is associated with a new rise in folk poetry in the conditions of socialism. Oral poetry in his work was filled with new content. Jambul was very fond of folk poetry, his memory kept countless legends, legends and songs. He, like other nomads, listened with awe to the brilliant improvisations of the Akyns. Before the eyes of the young man flashed the famous batyrs of the folk epic and colorful pictures of the native steppe. Later, akyn himself created beautiful works of the heroic epic “Suranshi-batyr” and “Utegen-batyr”. Sincerely, Zh.Zhabaev belonged to the people’s akyn Suyumbay.

Shafrik Ekaterina read expressively the poems of Zh. Zhabaev. In vivid images, akyn expresses the patriotic thoughts and feelings of the people:

He who is poor in mind bleats like a sheep,

Who does not know the songs, he does not know how to live,

Who did not bend his neck in front of bai rich,

He will not be hunchbacked to the grave.

Beisekeyeva Asem prepared the information and announced akyn’s awards: the honor and respect for akyn did not come immediately. He had to overcome a long way from a nomad boy to the great akyn. He is a laureate of the Stalin Prize, awarded the Order of Lenin and the Red Banner of Labor. Streets are named after Akyn, and monuments are erected.

The poetry of the great poet occupies a special place in the development of literary creativity in the second half of the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries. Zhambyl Zhabayev lived in two epochs. Born in 1846, he lived until the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

This year, our country is celebrating the 175th anniversary of the great son of the Kazakh people akyn – improviser Zhambyl Zhabayev. His name is written in golden letters in the history of the cultural heritage of the Kazakh people.


