Wind energy – energy of the future

On February 19, 2021, the teacher of the Department of “Higher Mathematics” Shegebayeva G. E. held a master class in the supervised group LOG-20-2 “Wind energy – energy of the future” in a remote format. Present: Dean of the Faculty of Transport and Road B. K. Kurmasheva, Faculty of Transport and Road Faculty. The master class was attended by 25 people.

At the beginning of the master class, in order to reveal the topic, a video about alternative energy sources was provided to the attention of those present. A student of the LOG-20-2 group, Tamirlan Zhilkaidarov, prepared a report with a presentation on the topic: “Wind power and wind turbines”.

The report reflected that at the current rate of development of productive forces and the development of hydrocarbon resources, environmental protection issues are becoming particularly relevant, as due to the widespread introduction of energy-intensive and chemical technologies, the production of new chemical products, and insufficient environmental control, emissions of substances harmful to human life are increasing. Along with this, the reserves of oil, gas, coal, peat, and nuclear fuel are being depleted. Today, the entire civilized world is looking for new ways to solve its energy and environmental problems. With the decrease in the amount of minerals, people turned to other types of energy sources. Nuclear power plants, despite their high efficiency, continue to frighten with pollution of nature. It is not surprising that humanity has paid attention to natural sources of energy – the sun, wind, heat. Today, wind energy is developing by leaps and bounds. More and more people come across these types of sources and use them in their daily lives.

At the end of the cognitive part of the master class, a group practical work was conducted, in which students were asked to draw up diagrams of the advantages of wind power plants, reflecting the tasks of modern energy and the main disadvantages of wind power.

The goal and objectives set during this master class have been fully achieved. The students listened enthusiastically, they were interested and informative.


