On the defense of the doctoral dissertation of Zeitinova Sholpan Bekzhigitovna

In Karaganda State Technical University will take place Zeitinova Sholpan Bekzhigitovna  the doctoral thesis defense for the Doctor of Philosophy PhD scientific degree on a theme: «Scientific and methodological basis of mineshaft location in combined ore mining» on a specialty 6D070700 – «Mining».

The language of defense of a doctoral dissertation is Russian.

The dissertation work performed at department of «Development of mineral deposits» of Karaganda State Technical University.

Scientific supervisors:

Issabek Tuyak Kopeyevich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Department of Development of mineral deposits of the Karaganda State Technical University.

Carsten Drebenstedt – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Technical University Bergacademie Freiberg, Germany.


Nurshaikhova Gulnur Tleubergen – candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor, Non-profit joint-stock company  School of Earth Sciences and environment named by Serikbayev, Ust-Kamenogorsk city.

Moldabaev Serik Kurashovich -doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, head of the Department of “Mining” of  Non-profit joint-stock company  of  Kazakh national research technical University named by K. I. Satpayev, Almaty city.

On-line defense will be held: December 21, 2020, at 12.00 a.m.

The address of the Dissertation Council: 100027, Karaganda, Nursultan Nazarbayev Ave., 56, building 2.

Website: http://www.kstu.kz/dissertatsionny-j-sovet/

e-mail: zeitinova_rmpi@mail.ru




