About the defense of a doctoral dissertation Ainabekova Saule Serikbayevna

At Karaganda technical university, the defense of the doctoral dissertation for the degree of doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) Ainabekova Saule Serikbayevna on the topic “Optimization of cutting modes for heat-friction processing of hard-to-process materials based on the study of physical and mechanical properties of the surface layer” in the specialty 6D071200 – “Mechanical engineering” will take place.

The work was performed at the “Technological equipment, mechanical engineering and standardization” department of Karaganda technical university.

Protection language: Russian.

Scientific consultants:

  1. Sherov Karibek Tagayevich – doctor of technical sciences, professor of the “Technological equipment, mechanical engineering and standardization” department of Karaganda technical university;
  2. Nasad Tatyana Gennadyevna – doctor of technical Sciences, professor of “Technology and control systems in mechanical engineering” department of the Saratov technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin, Saratov, Russia.



  1. Ovcharov Mikhail Stepanovich – candidate of technical sciences, professor of the “Transport and professional training” department of Karaganda University named after academician E.A. Buketov.
  2. Sembaev Nurbolat Sakenovich – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, head of “Transport equipment and logistics” department of Toraigyrov University.

The defense will be held on December 25, 2020 at 9.00 in the dissertation Council of KarTU for the defense of PhD doctoral dissertations in the specialty 6D071200 “Mechanical engineering”, 6D071300 “Transport, transport equipment and technologies” at the address: 100027, Karaganda, Nazarbayev Avenue, 56, first building, room 319.


Website address: http://www.kstu.kz/dissertatsionny-j-sovet/

e-mail: asaules@mail.ru




