About the defense of doctoral thesis Suimbayeva Aigerim

In Karaganda Technical University will take place Suimbayeva Aigerim’s the doctoral thesis defense for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) scientific degree on a theme: «Geotechnological research on the substantiation of the stability parameters of the rock massif with combined mining (by the example of the Akzhal field)» on a specialty 6D070700 – «Mining».


The language of defense of a doctoral dissertation is Kazakh language.


The dissertation work performed at department of «Development of mineral deposits» of Karaganda Technical University.


Scientific supervisors:

Imashev Askar Zhanbolatovich – Doctor PhD, head of the Department «Development of mineral deposits» KTU, Karaganda.

Abdibaitov Sharabidin Ashiralievich – Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor of the Kyrgyz state university of Geology, mining and natural resources development named after academician U. Asanaliev, senior researcher in Geotechnology, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.



Yusupov Khalidilla Abenovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of «Mining» Satbayev University, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of higher school, Almaty.

Abdugalieva Gulzhan Yusupkhanovna – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the School of Earth and environmental Sciences of the D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan technical university, Ust-Kamenogorsk.


The thesis defense will be held online on December 21, 2020 at 10.00 am in the Dissertation Council of Karaganda technical university on the ZOOM platform.


Website address: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/9354562699?pwd=SVFxTlJ3RGd5Y2hNSVYrNTVaM3VnUT09

ID: 935 456 2699

The code: 09UKix

e-mail: aygerim_86@mail.ru



